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Nancy Pelosi Confronted And Yelled At In Miami By Angry Mob Who Call Her A ‘Piece Of S**t’ And ‘Communist’ (Video) October 22. 2018
Earlier in the year, Democrats in Congress began telling supporters to engage in acts of harassment and violence against U.S. President Donald Trump, his cabinet and supporters. Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated to the impressionable public, “If you see anybody from the Trump cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them ‘you’re not welcome anymore anywhere.’” Failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, stated on CNN, “Civility can start again only when the Democrats are back in power. You cannot be civil with a political party who wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That’s why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate that’s when civility can start again. But until then the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.” Now Republican voters are taking Waters and Pelosi’s advice and pushing back against Democrats. Waters received a threat so bad she sought police protection. This past weekend, U.S. senator Nancy Pelosi was confronted by protestors in Miami, Florida as she entered a restaurant. Protestors screamed at Pelosi and called her a ‘piece of sh*t” a “f**king communist” and told her to “get the f**k out of here” and “f**k you and your f**king Democrats.” Some also yelled at Pelosi, “Communism sucks.” The situation was tense, but no violence erupted. Some Democrats in office got the ball rolling by trying to incite violence and now it is being directed at them as well and they do not like it. Waters withdrew from public appearances because she was terrified of the threat she received. Pelosi fled and quickly ducked into the restaurant with a shaken look on her face. At the end of the day no one likes being stalked, harassed, threatened or assaulted. When people who create the laws are acting in such an uncivil manner and encouraging violence, it sets a terrible example for the public, endangers police and security workers who are tasked with keeping the peace. Stop encouraging violence. It is undignified and wrong. Politics is about political sides taking turns at ruling according to the end result of the public vote. Learn to respect the vote. You can’t always be the side running the country. Democracy does not work that way. These things always work in turns. Learn to wait your turn. Stop trying to engage the public in lawless violence in bids at criminally overthrowing a duly elected government. It is illegal and immoral. Work within the citizen to lawfully obtain the change you seek and let it be for the good of the county, not your ego or wallet. Politics is supposed to be about peacefully resolving one’s differences or at least having the maturity to agree to disagree. Politics is supposed to be about making people’s lives better in serving the public. The public is not supposed to be serving you. Stop placing them in harm’s way with unlawful directives. If the country breaks out in civil war many innocent lives will be lost in acts that are preventable. RELATED ARTICLES Congresswoman Maxine Waters Calls For The Public To Kill Donald Trump And Mike Pence (Video) World Governments Need To Pass Meaningful Legislation Regarding Social Networking Maxine Waters: If Mueller Doesn’t Get Trump Stormy Daniels Will |
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