Launches A Skincare Line Promising To Make Women Look
Younger When She Looks Older Than The Statue Of Liberty
Correction, The Statue Of Liberty Has Smooth
Skin, Madonna Does Not!
December 29. 2016

Even with makeup Madonna cannot hide the fact she
has bad skin. That thing you see in the photo has allegedly
started a skincare line when her skin looks terrible.
Deranged pop singer Madonna is launching a
skincare line promising to make women look younger, which is pure irony
and a lie, as she has very prominent wrinkles all over her
crow’s feet, bags under her eyes and a significant amount of crepe skin.
Her skin also looks quite rough, which is not normal for any
If a beauty like Halle Berry, Christie Brinkley,
Megan Fox, Jourdan Dunn or Jessica White started a skincare
line, it would be more believable, as they look gorgeous and
youthful. They are clearly doing something right to look as
good as they do. As they say, “The proof is in the pudding.”
However, Madonna’s skin looks terrible.

Madonna's picture photoshopped on
the left and without digital airbrushing to the right...and
that's with makeup.
Even with all the plastic surgery she’s
had, racking up a bill of over $1,000,000, Madonna still looks very old.
There's nothing wrong with looking old, but most women don't
want to look wrinkled. Regardless, the public does not want
to look like Madonna. Madonna doesn't even want to look like
Madonna, which is why she keeps having all that plastic
surgery that has repeatedly failed.

Who does she really think wants
to look like that
Women want to look like young
women or older women who still look youthful and fantastic.
Madonna does not fall into either category. Not to mention,
she was never good looking to begin with, even when she was young
(yea, I said it).
Madonna, who was not and is not pretty,
never had looks and relied on stripping like a skank. She’s always had that scruffy, unwashed,
unattractive look she thinks is like a cool bohemian, but on
her it just looks unkempt
and nasty (people like Janice Dickinson also stated Madonna has a
bad odor problem).

I’ll give you another example, say someone
with dry, unhealthy looking hair that has massive breakage
and split ends decided to start a hair care line. Who in
their right mind would buy that product. It clearly doesn’t
work if your hair looks bad (or if you’re wearing hair
extensions, a weave or wig).

Ironically, over a decade ago I
copyrighted a skincare line. As my readers know,
thieving Madonna
unlawfully got a hold of a copy of my preexisting, Library
of Congress copyrights and has been
criminally using items
from it for herself and her cronies in the entertainment

Upon reading the trash that is being touted as
a part of Madonna’s alleged skincare line, my products do
not have some of the ingredients listed in her crazy
so-called product (I did not copyright all the ingredients
in my skincare line for trade secret purposes to prevent
theft of the correct formulas).
The crazy mess in Madonna’s product is
guaranteed to do more harm than good for the skin. It will
clog your skin and for some cause break-outs. That's the
least of the side effects of the mess she is selling. A few of
those ingredients are a major red flag for the skin.
This skincare line is another con by that fraud Madonna, who
is trying to extract money from the public on something that
clearly does not work, as her skin looks terrible. If it
worked her skin would not look older than its age and in
such bad condition. Buyer beware.
This is what happens when the corrupt FBI
lets demonic, evil, vile thieves run loose in society to
engage in madness. The public inevitably ends up paying a
price for it. The woman is a complete lunatic and psychotic.
She has schizophrenia. She knows nothing about skincare.
This is much like the insane madness
Madonna and her schizophrenic cult the Kabbalah Center did
in selling overpriced $25 per 8 oz. bottle of Kabbalah water
as a cure to cancer, when water does not cure cancer.
Moreover, the Canadian government discovered the Kabbalah
water in question was found to have contaminants and
pollutants (see: dirty).
Madonna’s Skin Care Is Making Its U.S. Debut
The nadir of Madonna’s divorce from Guy
Ritchie hit when gossip sites spat out intimate details of
their marriage, including the remarkable morsel that the pop
icon slathered her skin in a $800 cream every night before
encasing herself in plastic wrap. Whether that was true then
is unknown, but it’s likely not true now, given Madonna is
shilling her own, slightly more affordable skin-care line.
It debuted in Japan several weeks ago and, according to
Madonna, will hit U.S. shelves soon.
Called MDNA, the line is composed of six
products: a face wash, serum, rose mist, eye mask, eye
serum, and a mud mask. MDNA’s promises fall in line with
most other skin-care brands: to moisturize, promote skin
elasticity, and clear congested pores.
Water sourced from Montecatini, a tiny town in northern Italy, is said to add a
somewhat mystical “healing component” to the MDNA lineup,
and the Chrome Clay Mask, which uses volcanic ash collected
from the same Italian town, is amplified when removed with a
magnet. The magnetic component is something seen in other
masks that have debuted within the past year, where the
magnet stimulates negatively charged compounds found on skin
to boost circulation and collagen production.
MDNA has yet to release an exact date for
its U.S. launch. In the meantime, Madonna is previewing the
line on Instagram, and making a hell of a run at beauty
blogging, to boot...
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Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights