Dangerous Kabbalah
Teachings Tout "Inducing Schizophrenia"
January 11. 2008
Madonna Is Criminally Committing Charity Fraud Using Malawi's
Name To Raise $100,000,000 In Donations And Only Using 5% Of The
Money On The Impoverished African Nation Keeping The Rest For
Fraudulent Charity For Africa Squanders Millions On Big Salaries
& Luxury Items For Greedy Kabbalah Members
Still Being Taken To The Kabbalah Center Which Is Under
Investigation For Crimes Against Children
Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And
Wiretapping Crimes
And Kabbalah Close Their Corrupt Charity Due To Criminal
Rabbi Brutally Killed By Schizophrenic Member Of His Cult
Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal
Outs Madonna As The Criminal Behind Kabbalah
Kabbalah Cult Under Grand Jury Investigation
Kabbalah Is Under Criminal Investigation
Investigating Scientology For Abusing Children
Kabbalah Cultist Kills Family Member
Cultists Madonna and
Philip Berg - responsible for the madness that is Kabbalah and
the destruction it has wreaked on several young lives.
Cults, especially those in Hollywood, such
as Kabbalah and Scientology, regularly operate to bilk the
public out of money, via a so-called leader that employs
manipulation, flattery and eventually subtle brainwashing. They breakdown the victim's thought process
via psychobabble, sleep depravation (including bombarding them
with calls that keep them up at night), chanting exercises and
sometimes drugs, to make their minds more malleable.
They solicit large donations, stocks,
bonds, physical property and intangible assets from cult
members, who often don’t realize they are in a cult. They also fleece the public out of their
money via extremely expensive classes that claim to bring out an
inner being from you that is better than who you are.
They often push the esoteric, meaning it
has to be taught to you, and is not something you can pick up
and learn on your own like the Bible. Beware of any so-called religious or
spiritual organization with esoteric teachings; as if it is so
clandestine it must only be relayed to you by them, especially in their
meeting places, what you will be taught may not be healthy or
Along the way in manipulating and
subtly brainwashing people,
have members that develop mental
illnesses. Sometimes it is so severe it leads to death, as they
are not given the mental care they need in time. There is a price to be paid for playing
with people’s minds. The human brain was not made to endure such
mental abuse and destabilization.
According to many experts on the subject,
cult members often suffer from Schizophrenia, sometimes
misdiagnosed as Bipolar Disorder. I stumbled
across a web site a few days ago where a Kabbalah teacher named
was selling CD-ROMs on
master plan for inducing schizophrenia.”
Now, why would anyone want to
schizophrenia" in people. That is
very sick and disturbing, but this is what they do. They believe
in bringing
out schizophrenia in people. They actively strive
for this result. These Kabbalah cult people are a dangerous
public menace that need to be locked away for public safety.
They are a mental health risk. Medical science classifies schizophrenia as
an incurable mental disorder. Doctors, knowing this, aim to
control the symptoms via medication, making the patients less of
a danger to themselves and others.

Yehuda and Michael Berg,
sons of the founder of the sick Kabbalah cult. Both are
practicing members.
1. Schizophrenics often display “inappropriate
emotions” when detained by the authorities or mental health
workers, such as laughing or “laughing while expressing
terrifying images.”
2. Schizophrenics make up words and languages
that no one else understands. This is referred to as
“Neologisms” which means “making up words without a meaning.”
For example, last year, a troubled celebrity was found by her
garbage cans babbling in an incoherent language. The shocked
employee who witnessed it later communicated this information to
a judge.
3. Schizophrenics often ignore their hygiene
and go around looking quite unkempt. What you and I see as
disorderly, unhygienic and completely messy in hair and wardrobe
choices, they see as normal. Their mind is in a place where they
just can’t do any better, no matter how much people complain,
criticize, point or laugh.
4. Schizophrenics are often suicidal. One of
the accompanying maladies to schizophrenia is depression.
However, you can suffer from depression without being
Schizophrenic (depression can occur due to things such as
the loss of a loved one, traumatic accident or injury). Once
again, it is one of the things that accompanies the disorder. It’s like a person who has HIV also getting
influenza because their immune system is weakened. Whereas one
can have influenza without having HIV.
5. Schizophrenics often have terrible mood
swings. Not a one off thing where they lose their temper, but
constant, unexplainable, unprovoked mood swings. One minute they
are smiling with you, the next they are screaming at and or
trying to attack you.
6. Schizophrenics often abuse prescription
illegal narcotics and or alcohol. They also smoke a lot more than
others. The Mayo Clinic estimates, “While not necessarily a sign
of schizophrenia, drug abuse is more common in people with
schizophrenia. Nicotine is a commonly abused drug by people with
schizophrenia; it's estimated that 75 percent to 90 percent of
people with schizophrenia smoke compared with about one-quarter
of the general population.”
7. Schizophrenics suffer from “bizarre
delusions — for example, a belief in Martians controlling your
thoughts” (Mayo Clinic).
The Hollywood cult Scientology is centered on the
absurd belief that aliens, according to the cult’s mentally ill
founder, L Ron Hubbard, who was a science fiction writer,
attached themselves to humans.
8. Schizophrenics often have “trouble
functioning at work or in social situations.” Not your run of
the mill “I’m tired at work this week” - this is more along the
lines of schizophrenics can’t function at work, displaying
erratic behavior and a complete and constant collapse at things
they normally did just fine.
9. They further do inappropriate
things in social settings such as walk or dance naked on the
street or flash private body parts at the public.
There are publicized cases of members of the Kabbalah cult
snapping and committing murders or ending up hospitalized on the
verge of suicide, in a
schizophrenic state of madness.
Gideon Busch – was killed by
New York police when in a rage he began threatening children
with a hammer he was wielding at them.
(New York Times)
Phiona Davis - killed her boyfriend
and great grandmother in separate, vicious double murders done
hours apart. She stabbed them dozens of times. (London
Gideon Busch -
believing himself to be the Messiah,
engaged in violent behavior and was killed by the police. It was
said of him before his death,
“Mr. Busch was delusional,
believed himself to be the messiah, and was capable of doing
harm to himself and others.” - (New York Times)
Phiona Davis - was a member of
Madonna's small Kabbalah group in London, when suddenly one day
she snapped after complaining of being "controlled by" the cult,
and murdered her boyfriend and grandmother with almost 200 stab
wounds between them. Witnesses said after she attacked and
killed her boyfriend, she shrieked, "I am the Messiah.
Burn the demons.” (London Times)
Madonna - referred to herself as the
"Messiah" during her Re-Invention Tour.
Britney Spears also called herself “The
Anti-Christ” in a rehab facility last year. (News Of The World)
Sabbatai Zevi - is a deceased
“Kabbalist who claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah”
and he ended up a “manic depressive.”

Gideon Busch - who was later killed
after the above confrontation with the police where he
threatened children with a hammer, “Was hospitalized
involuntarily for psychiatric treatment three times at a
hospital on Long Island, where doctors said he had made threats
to his parents and evinced signs of paranoid schizophrenia.”
(New York Times)
Anat - "is currently staying at the
closed ward of a psychiatric hospital in Israel. For more than a
week she has been lying in bed, suffering from depression, and
surviving by taking pills. After six months at the Kabbalah
Center, she had a mental breakdown.” (Rick Ross)
Yaron - " was admitted to psych
ward for treatment after joining the Kabbalah Centre. 'He really
went crazy. He would go out to the streets of Tel Aviv and sweep
them, like a street sweeper. He would dress up in nice clothes
and go out to the street to clean. Then there was a stage where
he was filled with rage. He would have outbursts and he started
to be violent at home. He hit us. The path to psychiatric
treatment was short. Only afterwards I realized that in Los
Angeles he cleaned the Kabbalah Center all day there, for 23
hours a day without stopping, until something was disrupted in
his brain.'"
(Rick Ross)
Paris Hilton - was sent to the psych ward
of a Los Angeles jail due to a massive mental breakdown she had
when she was arrested.

Paris Hilton
Britney Spears - was sent to psych wards twice, due
to terrible mental breakdowns that agree with psychologists' definitions of

Teens, Young Stars And Cults
Many of these celebrity cults target famous
teens for their podium and money, in attempts to get them from
under their parents' influence, while they are still young and
their minds trainable.

Lindsay Lohan (before and after - within two years of joining Kabbalah)
Lindsay Lohan got involved with Kabbalah
when she was 19 years old and it marked the beginning of a
terrible, ongoing, downward spiral of crazy conduct, constant
car crashes and massive drug use. She was even photographed
inappropriately kissing 50 year old female fashion designer and
fellow Kabbalah cult member Donna Karan on the mouth. It gave
the impression they are using the girl for sex. No teenage girl
should be kissing a 50 year old woman intimately on the mouth
like that. It was disgusting. Lindsay Lohan had also lodged a complaint with a
phone company alleging fellow Kabbalah cult member Paris Hilton
had her email hacked. Hacking, albeit illegal, is standard
conduct for that cult.

Hillary Duff
Hillary Duff is another teen that joined Kabbalah at Madonna's
insistence. For the past few months, there has been a change in her, as she's
been pictured coming out of clubs drunk, emaciated and looking very depressed.
Before she was a happy looking teenager that starred in her own Disney TV show.

Vanessa Hudgens
It is being said that teen actress Vanessa Hudgens is in Kabbalah as
well. As many of you know, she had a very regrettable incident recently where
private, nude photos she snapped of herself with a camera/phone when she turned
18 years old last year, were illegally put online without her permission.
Rumors are rife that the Kabbalah cult has set its sights on and is targeting
teen star Emma Watson of the Harry Potter films. While, I don't care for
the Potter films, Emma would do well to be wary of Kabbalah. She is young,
wealthy and impressionable and it would be a shame to see a bright young woman
spiral into the depths of madness that a certain other former teen star
in that

Emma Watson
This article is taken from the
Judiciary Report
Another Kabbalah
Member Sent To Psych Ward
TV Star Steve-O In Looney Bin
March 14. 2008

This is a follow up to the January 11, 2008
Cons article regarding the high number of Kabbalah cult members,
who have been sent to various
psychiatric wards all over the world, suffering from mental
illness. This week it was reported TV prankster and
pervert Steve-O, who is a Kabbalah center member, as mentioned previously in my
UN Human Rights complaint, regarding
Kabbalah cult based harassment, invasion of privacy and theft, was sent to the
psychiatric ward of Cedars in Los Angeles. He was placed on suicide watch
suffering from schizophrenia.
Steve-O Blogs from Psych Ward
Troubled "Jackass"
star Steve-O has written a message to fans on his MySpace page from the
psychiatric ward of a Los Angeles hospital.The stuntman reveals
pals including former "Jackass" co-star Johnny Knoxville "physically forced" him
to seek help for his mental issues, including bipolar disorder that had left him
suffering "high highs and extremely low lows." After being taken to
L.A.'s Thalian Mental Health Center, Steve-O was transferred to the Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, where he has been placed on a 14-day hold, while medics observe
his condition and behavior.
Rihanna Hit Chris Brown
March 9. 2009

Chris Brown and Rihanna
The truth is coming out now, as it is being stated by other outlets that
Rihanna attacked
Sony Music
artist Chris Brown
first. I have been writing that
for weeks (click
here and
click here). A few self-righteous people, with their biased views, some based in sexism,
have been criticizing people such as myself, for stating Rihanna provoked Chris
The truth is the truth. She provoked him. If you are going to deal with
something, especially in a court of law, let the truth be told. I don’t agree with Chris Brown’s conduct in beating her to a pulp, but she
shouldn’t have been hitting him either. What kind of relationship is that, where
a couple is literally scrapping? There are women that are beat up and abused without provoking their
respective boyfriends and husbands, but that’s not what happened with Rihanna
and Chris Brown, though it does not justify what he did.

Yes, she attacked him first, but he should have walked away. He snapped. It
proved to be a trigger, for someone that grew up in an abusive environment. She
knew his background, in that he was brought up in a home with violence issues,
as he shared it with the public well before this incident. You have to know whom you are dealing with. You can’t just go pushing
people’s buttons in a confrontational situation. You’re leaving yourself open
for an attack, however underserved it may be.
Put it this way. If Rihanna kept going to the zoo over the course of a year
and a half, poking and provoking a lion, then one day, in a bad mood, started
slapping and punching the lion in the face and it snapped, leapt to freedom and
attacked her, what would you have said? The press headlines would have wondered
out loud why she did that.
These two had been getting rough when arguing with each other, even pulling
out the other’s hair, which is disturbing. At the end of the day, these two
should not have been beating each other, as it was becoming progressively worse.
Chris Brown and Rihanna are two spoiled, ungrateful, uneducated, arrogant,
manufactured stars with no respect for themselves, their families or fans.

Rihanna, wearing a
Kabbalah red string bracelet on her right hand
symbolizing the vicious, law breaking cult
got she and Chris Brown into. Members of the cult are known to
assault and kill others in rage filled attacks, due to
brainwashing that creates psychotic breaks.
In other news, Rihanna's family in Barbados, have been
complaining they cannot get in contact with the singer as, "Somebody has a stranglehold"
on her. Your daughter is in a sick, depraved Hollywood cult,
Kabbalah, what did you expect. All psychologists
and cult experts agree and publicly state, a primary goal of cults is to cut off
members' contact with their families, who are not in said cult. That's a common
characteristic of all cults.
Jamie Spears (Britney Spears) and Michael Lohan (Lindsay Lohan), among
others, were deliberately cut off from their daughters that joined the sick
cult and have been fighting to get them back ever since. Those
girls hit rock bottom under cult brainwashing, are now insane and very
brainwashed. Their minds are gone (schizophrenia).
Kabbalah is known to email, text and call its members on
the hour, with instructions on what to say, where to go, what to wear and what
to do. They exercise complete control over cult members, which is quite
Rihanna 'hit Chris Brown first'
09:00 AEST Mon Mar 9 2009 - Pop star Rihanna hit
boyfriend Chris Brown, slapping him "numerous times" before he allegedly beat
her and left her with serious facial injuries, according to reports. Brown is accused of slamming Rihanna's head against
the passenger window before punching her several times in the face while driving
his rented Lamborghini last month. But Rihanna was the first one to lash out at Brown
— after seeing a text message from another woman — and continued to fight him as
he punched her, according to celebrity gossip website TMZ...
Brown Wants Misdemeanor Plea, No
Jail Time
Posted Mar 8th 2009 6:10PM by TMZ Staff - Sources
tell TMZ Chris Brown would cop a plea, but only to a misdemeanor and with no
jail time. We're told Brown's people have consulted with
outside legal eagles -- including law school professors -- who have said
Rihanna's own aggressiveness takes it out of the felony category. Sources say
Rihanna was the first one to strike -- slapping and striking Brown "numerous
times" while he was driving, after seeing the text message from another woman.
And Rihanna was fighting Brown as he punched and hurt her. We're told much of
this is reflected in the official police report based on what Rihanna told cops.
As a result, they say, this is not a case that demands a felony plea...
Someone has stranglehold on Rihanna'
Friday, March 6 2009, 12:11pm EST - Rihanna's
father has suggested that "somebody has a stranglehold" on his daughter after
discovering that she had changed her contact details without telling him. Speaking to Us Weekly, Ronald Fenty revealed that
the singer had changed her mobile phone number and email address, leaving her
family unable to contact her.
"I can't get on to her. Her mother can't get on to
her, her brother told me she changed her email. Somebody has a stranglehold on
her. I'm lost," he said. "Rihanna's mother is telling me that she hasn't
heard anything from her. She said the last she heard Rihanna was fine."...
Love and abuse in the spotlight
New York journalist Elizabeth Méndez Berry, who has
written about hip hop and dating violence, has been paying close attention to
people’s responses to the incident. She is concerned about the anti-Rihanna
sentiments expressed on some forums and message boards.
“Because of clever marketing, what is clear is that
online commentators seem to think that they know Rihanna,” Berry said. They
think that Rihanna, the self-professed “good girl gone bad,” must have
provoked the goofy and impeccably-toothed Brown.
“If this is how we respond to the famous people
that we think we know, how do you respond to the lady next door?” Berry asked.
“If this is the amount of gossip and time that we can give to someone who
doesn’t know us from Adam, how are we dealing with it in our own communities?”
Chris Brown Speaks Out About Rihanna Assault
February 16. 2009

Rihanna dramatically lip-syncing
Sony Music
artist Chris Brown has finally spoken out about
girlfriend Rihanna. Brown released a publicist drafted statement
to People magazine:
"Words cannot begin to express how
sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the
counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am
committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person. Much of what has been speculated
or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to
talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this
is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or
made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else. Those posts or writings under my
name are frauds." (Link)
Here’s hoping he is seeking help for the sake of improving
and not as a publicity ploy to save his career, as a TMZ poll
revealed 87% of the surveyed public of 70,000 didn’t believe
him. Rihanna should seek help as well, as she was hitting him on
different occasions in fights she initiated.
Rihanna is no Tina Turner, getting
hit for just standing there and existing. Rihanna pulled the lion's tail and it bit her. It does not excuse
what he did, as it is terribly wrong, but she had a habit of hitting, provoking and
starting fights with him in that manner and he snapped this time
in a major way. It is dysfunctional.
Chris Brown and Rihanna are two of many people that have experienced a
terrible fall from grace, after getting mixed up with Madonna's
cult. As mentioned previously, in exchange for deeply discounted music that is stolen
goods, Chris agreed to feature Madonna on his next album as a
partial payment.

Madonna and Rihanna at a Kabbalah function
in New York
Brown's family is baffled as to how the Chris they know
committed these violent acts. However, said rage is a trademark
of Kabbalah brainwashing. This is what happens when they snap. Chris Brown and Rihanna can be added to the list of Kabbalah
affiliated people like Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris
Hilton and Steve O, who had massive public mental breakdowns,
accompanied by terrible rage, outbursts and violence.

Chris Brown and his mom Joyce
Previously, Britney Spears violently attacked a photographer. Lindsay Lohan
and her lesbian girlfriend Samantha Ronson got into violent fist fights.
In a separate incident, Lohan also forcefully punched a
black photographer in the face that did nothing to her.
began behaving in an insane manner,
assaulted an individual and was subsequently sent to a
hospital psychiatric ward. Paris Hilton was heard crying, screaming and
violently kicking in a jail
cell, over what was a relatively short sentence. Her conduct was
so bizarre, the jail staff sent for a psychiatrist to give her meds to control her psychosis.
Now, we have the Chris Brown and Rihanna assault incident, with them viciously
punching and biting each
other in public. At the current rate, the entertainment industry doesn't have
to worry about the recession destroying Hollywood, Madonna is
busy doing that herself with Kabbalah.
Rihanna Camp Tries To Minimize Damage

Chris Brown and Rihanna last year at a KFC. Check out the
look on her face. If looks could kill...
Rihanna's cousin,
Yvonne Fenty,
stated the damage to the singer is not as bad as everyone has made it out to be.
That's ironic, as TMZ reported that a law enforcement source who took pictures
of Rihanna's injuries, stated she looked like "a MMA fighter" and that Brown hit
her so forcefully to the point her eyes were practically swollen shut for the
photos. They reported she
had a bloodied nose, split lip, contusions on both sides of her
face, bite marks and was choked unconscious.

Chris Brown and Rihanna
If her injuries were so insignificant, as her relative
is now claiming, she would not have been hospitalized. She would have
done what many domestic abuse victims do, slapped on some makeup
to cover the bruising, thrown on some shades and went
out, after the inexcusable abuse. Rihanna would have made it to the Grammys,
the most important night in music.
She is covering for Chris Brown in trying to minimize the injuries
she sustained, as his fans have turned on her in a massive way
and it is damaging her career. Next we're gonna hear the car bit Rihanna and Chris and it was not them
biting each other like junkyard dogs (Brown was later pictured with bite marks
on his fingers).
Hypocrite Jay-Z Speaks Up

Jay-Z beating up a woman backstage at a concert
Hypocrite Jay-Z, that signed Rihanna to her deal at Def Jam
and also slept with her behind singer Beyonce's back, recently spoke out
against the assault, when he is a
woman beater himself, who has been caught on camera doing so.
Other witnesses claim they’ve seen him hit Beyonce as well. How
can anyone take you seriously in this incident in light of what
you have done to women as well and made excuses regarding in the
press. All violence against women is wrong.
Rihanna's Injuries -- "Horrific"
Law enforcement sources have now gotten specific with us...
police took pictures of Rihanna's injuries and they are
"horrific." As we reported, the photos show major contusions on both
sides of the singer's face -- there is serious swelling and
bruising. Her lip is split and her nose bloody. We have now
confirmed there are bite marks on one of her arms and on several
And we now know this... Rihanna claims Brown struck her with
his fists and that's what did the damage. There was no object
used in the alleged attack. Rihanna refused treatment at the scene, but before she left
cops took photos. We're told the photos alone are "devastating
proof of abuse." And we've learned it was not Rihanna who called 911. Someone
in the area heard her screams and called.
Rihanna Back Home In Barbados
Yvonne Fenty, a cousin of Rihanna's, claimed that the
"Umberlla" singer is currently on the island of Barbados --
recovering from last Sunday's violent attack by boyfriend-R&B
star Chris Brown -- with friends and family, and told
RadarOnline.com exclusively that "Rihanna is holding up well."
"Everyone is looking after her--she is just trying to catch
herself and get her life back on track. None of this is as bad
as everyone makes it sound. Her injuries weren't near as bad as
people make them sound. "Yes, she is going through a rough time and is upset, but she
is thinking positive and resting. "She will be fine." ...
Rihanna's Dad Denies He's Homeless
Rihanna's dad, Robert Fenty says he's not homeless and he's
accusing the international media of attempting to discredit his
daughter by depicting him as a homeless man living in a car. "It's an attempt by them to shift the focus from Chris
Brown," Fenty tells UK's Sunday Sun.
"I am really upset about the whole incident. They had me all
over the TV saying that I was living in a car and was homeless.
I have a home in Warrens. I don't live in this car. Rihanna has
done really well as a person from a small island and I know that
she is up against the heavyweights, so they will do anything to
discredit her."
Fenty admits he does sell items from his car, but he calls it
"a job I do on the side just to keep me happy". He chided the
media for trying to "dig up dirt on Rihanna", whom he described
as being okay and in good health...
February 15, 2009. Chris Brown has become a pariah in
Rihanna's home country of Barbados. So much so that
MediaTakeOut.com has learned that EVERY RADIO STATION on the
island is boycotting Chris Brown's music. MediaTakeOut.com spoke with an insider at one of Barbados'
most popular radio stations who explained, "No one is playing
Chris Brown records in Barbados .... the ban will go on
indefinitely." Wonder if this ban will start to spread.