Sony Has Not Responded
...To Legal "Demand Letter" From
My Attorney
February 2. 2009
UPDATE: Please read "The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)"

Sony chairman Howard Stringer
In the face of declining revenues, down
95% over the last year since the boycott, papers are asking,
"How much longer can he hang on." People are calling for his
removal. Sony has been to this website numerous times, before
and after they criminally infringed my preexisting copyrights.
This is regarding the Sony copyright infringement case. My dad
was able to get one of Jamaica's most well respected, successful attorneys, he
has known for 15-years to take the case. This man is licensed to practice law in
Jamaica and Britain. He even teaches law at a prestigious university.
For two weeks he obtained case files and pertinent information
from me on the new Sony Music infringements, which I had written about online,
to familiarize himself with the specifics of the case and how to proceed in the
appropriate fashion.
After thoroughly studying the evidence and documented facts, in
a timely manner, he drafted a respectful, truthful and accurate "demand letter"
as it is called in legal jargon, citing all the facts, my copyright certificates
and the infringement comparisons.
In the letter, he offered the option of a settlement and
amicable resolution to the case, not naming any financial figure regarding it,
to make talks as easy as possible. It was as decent and appropriate as a "demand
letter" can be. He had it couriered from Kingston, Jamaica to Sony in New York.
That was over a month ago...AND SONY HAS NOT RESPONDED.
They unlawfully accessed my preexisting Copyrighted Catalog, in
conjunction with Madonna (who is under contract with Sony, as they distributed
her album and other stolen songs of hers through their cell/mobile phones), who
started this severe, criminal misconduct, unprovoked.
They not only stole copyrighted items viewed by many, right off
my website, they also engaged in
hacking and burglary, as described here and
supported by police and computer specialist reports, illegally used and mass
produced them without permission, reaping well over $1 billion dollars in
illegal profit, in acts so arrogant and felonious it cannot be excused.
I interpret these thefts and them not responding to the legal
letter from my attorney as Sony and company wantonly and arrogantly disregarding
my legal and civil rights. I have done all I can in good faith to resolve this
matter in civil court, as opposed to criminal court. They have been given the
opportunity to lawfully make amends for what they have done and arrogantly and
disrespectfully refused.
Sony in Japan is also fully apprized of Sony New York's conduct,
as executives Ryoji Chubachi and Katsumi Ihara were sent cease and desist
letters by me in September 2008, as well as New York executives Howard Stringer
and Barry Weiss. The other labels infringing my preexisting copyrights in
conjunction with Madonna were sent cease and desist letters in September 2008 as
Then my attorney took over. However, they have not responded
to the mid-December 2008 "demand letter" from my lawyer, as Sony clearly wishes to
continue criminally stealing from my Copyrighted Catalog. Sony Music is
currently still stealing and so is their Overbrook film company run by Will
Smith for Sony Pictures. In light of that, let’s shut them down.
Take a look at the evidence again for yourself and do remember it the next time Sony tries
to sell you a flatscreen TV, DVD player, CD player, laptop, PC, video game
system, video game, DVD, CD and or music downloads.
In the time I have been writing about Sony regarding the thefts
committed by them, especially on this website website,
beginning in January 2008, their sales and stock have plummeted and ratings have
dropped drastically.
They can't blame it on the economy, as their rival Apple that
sells the same type of merchandise they do, is still doing well, posting strong
profits. Where they were both doing well before, but since my articles on Sony
and the boycott, only Apple is doing well. Sony Music can spin that story anyway
they'd like.
The fact of the matter is the public doesn't like a story like
this and that's what's happening to their sales. Multi-billion dollar
corporation rips off black female immigrant of over $1 billion in preexisting
copyrights in violation of the U.S. Code and international law. I know I
wouldn't support a company like that with my dollars and I am asking you the
consumer, respectfully, not to either, as their conduct is pure arrogance and
Stealing from my preexisting copyrights in conjunction with Madonna
and parading it all over the world, grinning at people, like what you did is
something to be proud of, when it is shameful and disgusting, sent the public a
nasty message about you. Hence your sales drastically falling.
They unlawfully dismantled my company, Sonustar, by criminally
stealing its assets, the Copyrighted Catalog, and somehow thought this abhorrent conduct was acceptable human
behavior. It isn't even legal in any country of the world.
This is not the first time something like this has happened
regarding Sony. They arrogantly used my godmother's husband's music without
permission, legendary
music producer,
Clement Coxsonne Dodd, that invented reggae and ska music and discovered and signed
Bob Marley among others, their music listened to by billions around the world -
yet an attorney had to initiate litigation against Sony on Coxsonne's behalf,
regarding copyright infringement as well.
My dad, one of
the most sought after musicologists in the world, watched that case unfold as
well, as he knows the attorney that was asked to handle it and Coxsonne was a
life long friend of 40 years before he passed away.
That was not the only case either.
Why is Sony and its labels like Jive, J, Arista, Columbia, Epic, 19 (Simon Fuller) and Syco
(Simon Cowell) constantly stealing from and exploiting Jamaicans, as though we
have no rights and the island is some SLAVE OUTPOST that didn't receive
independence from a sovereign nation, Britain, when we did. It looks bad and
lends a certain terrible, offensive impression. To so consistently steal from
and exploit Jamaican writers and musicians, and now disrespectfully not respond
to my attorney's letter, says to me that Sony thinks the island is some two bit
nation still apart of the slave trade, where our labor is free at your disposal
Their conduct is also
delaying my patents, they know this and don't care, but make no
mistake, the patents will come out. However, their conduct shall
produce inauspicious consequences for them legally and socially.
The Bible says you'll reap what you sow and God would never
bless such misconduct.
In closing, please do not buy Sony stock either. They are
flagrantly breaking U.S. and international law, are under investigation, are
prime candidates for criminal charges in more than one country and as such you
will lose your money investing in them.
Japan January 29, 2009, 8:49PM EST -
Sony yesterday announced an operating loss of ¥18 billion ($197 million) for the
crucial Christmas quarter of fiscal 2008 (ending March 2009), compared to a gain
of ¥236.2 billion for the same October-December period in 2007…
And if you delve deeper into the
figures, it does not seem possible that currency shifts were the principal cause
of the company's losses. Sony's initial guidance for FY08 was ¥450 billion in
operating profit, based on an exchange rate of ¥100 to the dollar. According to
brokerage CLSA, yen appreciation would have had an impact of around ¥100
billion, meaning a profit of ¥350 billion. Instead, the company is now
forecasting an operating loss of ¥260 billion, or a swing of ¥610 billion on top
of the currency losses…