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Heating And Food Costs Soaring In Britain Due To Global Developments And Economic Neglect By Prime Minister Boris Johnson And Fellow Tory Politicians

April 4. 2022

Boris Johnson

Heating costs in Britain are soaring to unprecedented highs under Prime Minister Boris Johnson, so much so Britons are angrily complaining online. However, Johnson, whose sole interest in becoming Prime Minister was to throw around the title, have lavish parties and enrich his circle at the expense of the British taxpayers, isn't fussed about the dire situation.

For years I warned on this site and Twitter.com in time stamped items that the British government needs to raise taxes on the rich (small 5% increase) and use it to fund projects to help the homeless, build affordable housing for Brits trying to get on the property ladder, provide tuition for needy students and give energy subsidies to help offset the electric bills of poor people in Britain (as hypothermia is a real and dangerous possible outcome to those who cannot afford to properly heat their homes).

However, Johnsons did no such thing, as the rich are his friends and he wouldn't dare upset them with a tax increase in favor of the working class. Instead, he unconscionably raised taxes on the poor (Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson Announces Tax Increase On The Poor While Letting The Rich Slide (Video)).

Screencap of April 2, 2022 article from LBC

Really, we're expecting too much of a man who blackmailed members of his own political party (Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson Under Investigation By The Metropolitan Police For Blackmailing Members Of Parliament And Violating Pandemic Rules).

Putin's illegal war on Ukraine has now sent gas and oil prices soaring overnight, resulting in people in Britain facing added energy costs. If Johnson and his predecessors May and Cameron had simply listened to sound advice Britain would be in a much better position right now. Sweeping poverty will cost people their lives if you don't get your act together or resign, Boris.

For over 4-years I've also written that Britian needs to grow more of its own food and that has not happened either. Now that Britain has left the EU, food costs in Britain are also soaring, which has also been made worse by the coronavirus pandemic and war in Ukraine (major wheat supplier).

These developments will promote massive poverty and greatly deteriorate Britain, a nation of nearly 70 million people, while Boris sits idly by, if something is not done about it. The British economy is going to be in a very bad way if something is not done. A proper financial intervention needs to be staged.

My time stamped tweets from years ago and last year warning about the then forthcoming problems with energy and food costs that have now happened:

 Previous site article warning about potential problems which were not heeded then they happened:


Anger over Big Ben £80m revamp as families struggle to heat homes

2 April 2022, 19:34 People have hit out at the Government for spending millions on restoring Big Ben as the UK suffers a cost of living crisis People have hit out at the Government for spending millions on restoring Big Ben as the UK suffers a cost of living crisis.

There is growing anger over Big Ben's £80 million restoration as thousands of Brits face a crippling combination of soaring bills, rising national insurance and record levels of inflation. Listen to this article Loading audio...

But as the UK faces a worsening cost of living crisis that experts have warned could lead to people starving, freezing or considering suicide, many have questioned whether the money could have been better spent elsewhere.

One Twitter user wrote: "This country is absolutely crying on its knees with benefit cuts and rises in the cost of gas, electricity, petrol, food and national insurance but it's ok cause Big Ben's had an £80m spruce up."

Another compared the cost to what was offered by the Government to help children on free school meals, writing: "Big Ben got more government aid than British children did with the cost of their school meals."...




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