Harvey Weinstein Caught Walking Without Walker
After Using It In Court For Sympathy From Judge And JuryDecember 17. 2019

Harvey Weinstein in Target shopping unaided after going into
court with a walker for sympathy
This is a follow up to the December 10, 2019 article
"Government Hauls Harvey Weinstein
Back Into Criminal Court For Illegally Tampering With His GPS Ankle
Monitor 56 Times While On Bail" regarding Harvey Weinstein, whom
I exposed first in
March 2009
and again in
February 2017,
as a dangerous sexual deviant. Then, he publicly fell in
October 2017.
Days after I published the aforementioned December
10, 2019 article to the site, Weinstein's lawyer publicly whined
about people stating he is pretending to be feeble and weak for
sympathy from the court (which I was the first to state online).

Harvey Weinstein headed into court last week using a
Fast-forward a few more days and Weinstein went to
court using a walker and pretended to be even more feeble than ever
(Judge Raises Harvey Weinstein Bail
From $1,000,000 To $5,000,000). However, as I stated from day
one, it was all an act on Weinstein's part, as days after the court
appearance with the walker, someone took a quick photo of Weinstein
when he wasn't looking, while shopping in Target without the aid of
a walker.
A walker is not something you use occasionally. It's
a constant for people with disabilities or mobility problems caused
by pain necessitating surgery. Weinstein is publicly exploiting the
plight of the disabled for sympathy and that is foul. As members of
the public have pointed out online, if disgraced comedian and
rapist, Bill Cosby, can go to jail blind, Weinstein can go to prison
with alleged back pain.
Judge Rules Criminal Case Against
Harvey Weinstein Can Proceed Where He Is Potentially Facing The Rest Of
His Life In Prison