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Florida Judge Verbally Abuses Elderly Woman In Wheelchair Asking For Medical Help Causing Her To Die August 25. 2018
A very evil Florida judge, Merrillee Ehrlich, engaged in disgraceful behavior in court that caused an elderly black woman to die. The entire episode looked racist from start to finish. Frail, out of breath, wheelchair bound woman, 59-year-old Sandra Faye Twiggs, appeared before Broward County circuit judge Ehrlich, after an argument with her 19-year-old daughter's abusive boyfriend, resulted in a domestic violence arrest. Previously, Twiggs had no criminal record and was arrested when trying to protect her daughter from said abusive boyfriend. Twiggs suffered from asthma Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) which is a terrible medical condition, regarding a lack of oxygen, which requires immediate medical attention when it reaches certain phases. During the hearing Twiggs had trouble breathing and communicated this fact to judge Ehrlich, who was viciously verbally abusing her. The judicial cannons state judges are to be "patient" and "kind" yet so many of them are not. Judges are not permitted to verbally abuse people in court, yet so many of them do. However, judge Ehrlich opted to continue to berate the elderly woman and in open violation of court rules. The contemptible, dirty judge stated, "I am not here to talk about your breathing treatment...I am not going to spend all day with her interrupting me." She was interrupting the scum of a judge because she was having difficulty breathing. Twiggs kept trying to tell the judge she did not get her dose of oxygen for the day and felt unwell. The abuse from the judge made her breathing problem worse. The judge ignored her pleas for medical attention. Twiggs died shortly after. Twiggs' goddaughter Carolyn Porter stated, "She tried to tell us how they treated her, but she had anxiety, and ever time she tried to talk about it, she couldn't breathe." It would have taken nothing of the judge to stop the hearing and have the bailiff call for paramedics. The hearing could have easily been rescheduled. Judges reschedule hearings all the time and for a number of reasons. Some of them reschedule cases to go on vacation. Ehrlich could have rescued the hearing, but opted to ignore the pleas of a poor, little old black lady, whom she deemed was of no consequence, as she had no money for an attorney and was using a public defender, so nothing would come of her violations of court rules in abusing her. The incident was carried on the news in Miami, then made its way around the country and into the international press, in publications such as the Daily Mail UK, read by 15,000,000 people per month. In the face of public backlash, Judge Ehrlich resigned. Her behavior was absolutely disgusting. She should have been brought up on criminal charges, as her abusive conduct and dismissive attitude regarding a sick woman's pleas in court, caused an elderly woman to die.
Merrillee Ehrlich Broward County Public Defender, Howard Finkelstein, stated judge Ehrlich's behavior is, "aggressively and tyrannical" and "shocking and an embarrassment to Broward County." He further stated, "She raised her voice to many defendants, berated attorneys and was impatient and exasperated during the proceedings." Some judges fail to make that connection regarding their unethical behavior embarrassing the justice system. The public takes a dim view of the justice system when they witness such things or read about them or see it on TV. I don't know why some judges have no manners or regard for the public's health and welfare. Some judges act like they were brought up in caves by animals. I've seen judges verbally abuse people to terrible extremes, even people suffering from serious medical conditions like Twiggs. Florida Judges Cecilia Altonaga, Marcia Cook, Sheldon "Shelly" Schwartz, Gisela Cardonne Ely, Monica Gordo and Eric Hendon are among Florida's most abusive and corrupt judges. None of them should be on the bench. They are corrupting thousands of cases year after year. You also have Stephen Millan who was busy using the n-word and other insults from the bench, until he recently resigned under public backlash. He corrupted thousands of cases as well in giving black people jail sentences three times longer than that of whites. It makes one wonder if some of these people were wrongly convicted due to the judge's heinous racial bias he openly displayed in court proceedings. Corrupt judge Monica Gordo and her nasty personal assistant Ana Jimenez engaged in criminal corruption while illegally colluding with defense attorney Karina Gonzalez, in abusive behavior during a court hearing on a wrongful death case that gave an innocent plaintiff a heart attack. Let that sink in...a heart attack. The person was already the victim of Karina Gonzalez's client, then got victimized again in court via the heart attack she and Judge Monica Gordo and her assistant Ana Jimenez induced with their unconscionable, verbally abusive, belligerent behavior. Judge Gordo even lay in wait at another building, waiting for the litigant to enter the building, then suddenly popping out from behind the door in trying to confront her. Gordo, Jimenez and Gonzalez all belong in prison (and something tells me they will be indicted). Then, there's judge Eric Hendon who knowingly and willfully verbally abused and defamed an innocent plaintiff in court who is a heart patient. He could have induced a heart attack. Then, there's demonic, scumbucket judge Sheldon "Shelly" Schwartz who mustered all the strengthen in his big body to scream at disabled litigants at the top of his lungs with all his might, for no reason other than being abusive, acting like a complete and utter lunatic in civil court, to the disgrace of the U.S. court system. A number of these judges are in a cabal. When one judge does something unethical or outright illegal and is called out for it, other judges criminally deem it their responsibility to be abusive, vindictive and corrupt towards those who expose the misconduct. If I were a judge I would not be like that as it is corrupt. My view would be, if you as a judge do something wrong, it is not my responsibility to defend your honor as you have none. Be a grown person and face the consequences of your actions on your own. It's only cowards that need to rope in everyone else into their madness when they do something they are not supposed to do. Stand on your own. STORY SOURCE Watch this judge brutally berate a woman in a wheelchair. The woman died. The judge has quit. April 20, 2018 08:57 PM - Updated April 23, 2018 07:22 PM - A Broward County circuit judge delivered a blistering, arm-waving, face-palming, tongue-lashing to a frail, out-of-breath woman — pushed into court in a wheelchair — who was facing misdemeanor charges following a family feud. Three days later, the defendant died. Judge Merrillee Ehrlich has resigned, although it is unclear when that resignation was provided and when it becomes effective. News of the death of Sandra Faye Twiggs, 59, surfaced Friday. The courtroom rant last Sunday was so over the top that Broward's elected public defender, Howard Finkelstein, demanded that Judge Merrilee Ehrlich be banned from the criminal courthouse. "It is not appropriate for anyone to endure that kind of treatment," said Finkelstein's chief assistant, Gordon Weekes. "All that was required was a bit of patience, and a bit of respect to allow this lady to speak, to gather herself and to breathe." Instead, Twiggs died, "and never had the opportunity to have her dignity restored," Weekes said... Wheelchair user dies days after 'tyrannical' judge ignores request for breathing treatment Posted: 8:29 PM, April 20, 2018 - Updated: 10:23 AM, April 21, 2018 - FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Days after Broward County Circuit Judge Merrilee Ehrlich told an inmate her request for medical care was irrelevant, the woman died at home, relatives said Friday. Ehrlich resigned late Friday from her current position after some in the legal community criticized the judge for her behavior that day. Sandra Faye Twiggs, a 59-year-old wheelchair user with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma, was arrested for domestic violence in Lauderhill April 13, according to the arrest report. Her defense attorney believed it was all a misunderstanding. Twiggs' sister Anna Twiggs saw the video of the April 14 hearing and was in tears. She said her sister didn't have a criminal record and the experience affected her so much, she found her dead in bed Wednesday morning. "She said, 'They treated me so bad,' and she said, "All I wanted was some medical attention and some help,'" Anna Twiggs said... Florida County Judge Mercilessly Berates Wheelchair-Bound Defendant — Then Resigns After Woman Dies Days Later April 23, 2018 - A Broward County circuit judge has resigned after the unexpected death of a defendant whom she mercilessly berated in an arm-waving, finger-wagging tirade in her courtroom earlier this month. Sandra Faye Twiggs, 59, was pushed into court in a wheelchair last Sunday, April 15, where she faced misdemeanor charges stemming from a domestic dispute with her daughter, the Miami Herald reported. Twiggs, who suffered from asthma and chronic lung disease COPD, was frail and struggling to explain her ailments, but that didn’t stop Judge Merrillee Ehrlich from tearing into her before erupting into a full-on diatribe... |
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