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Cardi B Chiming In With Bad Advice On Russia Invading Ukraine And It Making News Sites Is A Prime Example Of Why This Generation Is Behind

March 1. 2022

Cardi B and her friends leaving a party after a fight with rival rapper Nicki Minaj and her friends

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, when former stripper turned reality star and rapper, Cardi B, publicly chimed in on Russia invading Ukraine and it made newspapers and political sites, much to the annoyance of many Americans on Twitter who voiced their displeasure, it was prima facie proof this generation is behind their predecessors. This generation is not as educated as their predecessors, which spells bad new for America.

Before the bloodshed in Ukraine began at the hands of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, who is extremely evil, Cardi B stated, "I actually want to say a lot of things, but I'm just gonna mind my business because sometimes I feel like I have such a big platform that if I don't say the right things I might get killed. I'm really not on NATO’s side. I'm really not [on] Russia’s side. I'm actually in the citizens’ side, because at the end of the day, the world is having a crisis right now. Wish these world leaders stop tripping about power and really think about whose really getting affected (citizens) besides the whole world is in a crisis. War, sanctions, invasions should be the last thing these leaders should worry about."

Cardi B's advice in stating, "War, sanctions, invasions should be the last thing these leaders should worry about" did not age well, as Russia has fully invaded, which necessitated sanctions that have been and are being levied. This is why audiences should be careful listening to unethical, uneducated celebrities.

The devil has been busy. He has so dumbed down this generation via reality stars, influencers and select entertainers like Cardi B, the collective intelligence level of this nation's youth went down and America is behind in the world for it.

Before one would have to do something of merit and achievement to be on television, make the newspaper or to be featured on political sites. Now brainless reality stars like the Kardashians and dumb influencers like the D'Amelio sisters and Addision Rae, are on television shows, with absolutely no real sales to back it up. They are not moving massive amounts of product. Advertisers assume a large following online means big exposure, but some of their follower counts are not real and it is not translating into significant sales.

They've got record deals and can't sing. They are in movies and television shows and can't act. They are modeling and aren't models as they don't have the features, bodies or style of a real model. They are endorsing products they don't even know the composition of or the true impact said goods have on human health and the environment.

They are a segment of this generation with no values who are misleading the public to its detriment. They are greedy, grinning, thieving idiots who will (and did) sell their souls to the devil for fame and money, in what is not going to last and come to a screeching halt under terrible, lasting public disfavor.

I'm not stating this entire generation is dumb, as many are going to college and getting their degrees in admirable subjects. Many are working in retail, the restaurant industry, construction and technology, earning honest pay and trying to better themselves. I'm stating the ones out front on TV and the internet of this generation are dumb, demonic, lazy, thieving leeches, who are setting a bad example for impressionable audiences to follow.

They are stealing from black people in acts of copyright infringement and criminal copyright infringement in trying to get ahead ('Keeping Up With The Kardashians' Cancelled With A Legacy Of Under Achievement And Lawsuits For Copyright Theft and Jimmy Fallon Inviting Tik Tok User Addison Rae On His Show To Perform The Works Of Black Content Creators Causes Massive Backlash Similar To That Of The Charli D'Amelio Incident (Video)).

Then they lie about their net worth for likes and public attention in publications such as Forbes (Forbes Retracts Story Proclaiming Kylie Jenner A Billionaire And Now States She Lied Using Forged Tax Returns Which Confirms Previous Site Claims).

They criminally exploit others' talents, ideas and labor, whilst deceiving the public about their intellect and non-existent accomplishments (Elizabeth Holmes Should Be Sent To Prison Over $750 Million Theranos Blood Testing Scam That Endangered Public Health and Convicted Felon Elizabeth Holmes Facing Up To 20-Years In Prison For Fraud In Theranos Blood Testing Scam (Videos)).

I hate when Hollywood invokes the late president, Ronald Reagan as an example of an actor in politics. Number one, Reagan had a college degree. He was an educated, well spoken man. He was also a good actor. Stop comparing yourselves to Regan. I don't agree with what he did in office, but he was a scholar with acting ability.

Some of you are famous now because you danced in a circle like an idiot on Tik Tok in poorly ripping off dances you saw on minorities pages, which makes you racist, slavetrading degenerates stealing the labor, intellectual property and talents of black people. Going around grinning and insulting claiming that you like black people or have black friends does not compensate for your financial and social crimes, as copyright infringement is a federal and international crime.

I predict this matter will end up in Congress one day, as minorities are being robbed of intellectual property and income by lazy, uncreative, untalented people monetizing other people's creations and labor (and my predictions routinely happen).

Some of you are famous because you showed your private parts in a movie. Some of you are famous because you have a sex tape (Kim Kardashian). None of that constitutes talent or accomplishment. Then you speak with this false authority on subjects you know nothing about in conduct that has real world consequences and impact on others.

The press should be careful of enabling Hollywood celebrities by featuring them in newspapers and on political sites in reference to serious subjects. It sends impressionable audiences, especially kids, the message they don't have to study and work hard, as uninformed, uneducated, unintelligent, unethical celebrities with no real accomplishments are being promoted in society above intelligent, capable, hardworking people who know what they are doing and speaking about on serious matters. Be careful that the wrong voices are not being amplified, as it does a world of damage.


Cardi B says she's 'not really' on NATO or Russia's side amid Ukraine crisis

By Judy Kurtz - 02/22/22 10:29 AM EST   - Cardi B says she’s “really not” on either Russia or NATO’s side after making comments that war “should be the last thing” world leaders should be worrying about amid the crisis in Ukraine.

“I actually want to say a lot of things, but I'm just gonna mind my business because sometimes I feel like I have such a big platform that if I don't say the right things I might get killed,” the “Up” rapper said in a video posted Tuesday on Twitter.

“I'm really not on NATO’s side. I'm really not [on] Russia’s side. I'm actually in the citizens’ side, because at the end of the day, the world is having a crisis right now.” The 29-year-old entertainer’s remarks came a day after she responded to a Twitter user asking her to weigh in on “this whole Russia thing.”

“Wish these world leaders stop tripping about power and really think about whose really getting affected (citizens) besides the whole world is in a crisis,” Cardi B, who was born Belcalis Almánzar, wrote to her more than 21 million Twitter followers. “War, sanctions, invasions should be the last thing these leaders should worry about,” she said.

White House principal deputy national security adviser Jonathan Finer said Tuesday that Russia’s decision to send troops to two breakaway regions in Ukraine represented the "beginning of an invasion of the country."...




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