2,500 Dead And Thousands Of
Americans Left Behind Due To President Joe Biden's
Botched Handling Of America's Exit From The Afghanistan
September 1. 2021

Joe Biden
U.S. President, Joe Biden, continues
to face intense global scrutiny for his poor
handling of America's exit from the 20-year war in
Afghanistan, which enabled the brutal and murderous
Taliban to take over the nation. Biden has been
condemned by many world leaders, who have branded
his conduct irresponsible, reckless and imbecilic.
World leaders are stating Biden is not fit to be the
leader of the free world.
Biden's botched exit has cost 2,500
people their lives, including Americans. A news
report also states Americans have been left behind
in Afghanistan with no proper way to get out, as
Biden has ended all evacuation flights, to meet the
Taliban's deadline. Can you believe it, the Taliban
bossing around a U.S. president. Most never thought
they'd see the day something like that would occur. Biden is weak.
To make matters worse, Biden
remained on vacation while the Taliban took over
Afghanistan, leading to massive press and public
criticism. When Biden returned to the White House
his dementia was on full display, as he forgot which
door leads to his office (never mind he was in the
office with Obama from 2008 to 2016, and again since
January of this year).
Biden, who looked like a
confused nursing home resident, also twice failed to
listen to instructions from the Secret Service,
opting to walk towards bushes. Biden was mocked for
the gaffe, which was caught on camera.
Biden has dementia and should not be
president. The fiasco concerning Afghanistan and the
Taliban is prima facie evidence Biden is unfit to be
president, as he is suffering from mental impairment
due to dementia. People in the world are not taking
him seriously and that's dangerous for America.
Biden wanted to be president at all cost,
though he is not mentally fit. Biden also lacks
original ideas to make the country run smoothly and
to advance it. Just because someone wants to be
president does not mean they should be. It is
selfish to put one's ego ahead of one's country,
demanding a job one is not capable of correctly doing
and with excellence. The
most qualified, ethical person should always get the
President Joe Biden's Son Hunter
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