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President Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Caught With A Young Prostitute And Complains Russian Drug Dealers Have Another Of His Laptops They Are Using For Blackmail

Hunter Biden Is A National Security Threat

August 12. 2021

Hunter Biden and a prostitute (photo redacted by the Judiciary Report)

President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, has disgraced himself once again. A tape and photos have leaked of Hunter with a young prostitute. On the tape Hunter complains to the prostitute that Russian drug dealers have another one of his laptops.

Hunter expressed concerns he would be blackmailed, as his lax conduct poses a massive national security threat, due to the fact he has access to the president and was in business with his dad and uncle for years in the international community.

Hunter famously left one of his laptops at a repair shop past the 90-day stipulated deadline and it wound up in the hands of Rudi Giuliani, lawyer to then-president, Donald Trump (Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI).

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden

Hunter had every opportunity in the world to make a success of himself. However, he has consistently chosen to immerse himself in crack cocaine, meth, heroine, prostitutes, human trafficking and racism (President Joe Biden's Crack Addicted Son Hunter Biden In Trouble Again For Racial Slurs And Human Trafficking). Some of the girls they have caught Hunter with look underage and the FBI's child porn squad is in possession of one of his laptops.

Every few months Hunter disgraces his dad with some awful scandal of his own making. He could be doing so many positive and beneficial things that would help society, but chooses to lay around all day doing hardcore drugs and prostitutes - all while his dad is President of the United States. Hunter wouldn't even clean himself up for that. He has no shame or pride.

The drugs are one thing and bad enough, but prostitutes as well. Absolutely not! This is a no no! It looks so debased that someone so close to the presidency is behaving in this illegal and unethical manner. It is not befitting a family in office.


EXCLUSIVE: 'The Russians have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex!' Hunter Biden is seen in unearthed footage telling a prostitute that Russian drug dealers stole ANOTHER of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosing in a Vegas hotel room

Published: 14:24 EDT, 11 August 2021 | Updated: 15:32 EDT, 11 August 2021 - Hunter Biden claimed Russians stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosing in a Las Vegas hotel room, DailyMail.com can reveal.

The alleged incident would mean Hunter lost a total of three computers - the first abandoned at a Delaware computer store and the second seized by federal agents - each likely to hold sensitive information on President Joe Biden and the embarrassing pictures, videos and communications of his son.

The third laptop still appears to be missing – and was taken by Russian drug dealers after they partied with Hunter in Vegas, he told a prostitute in a conversation caught on camera.

After filming himself having sex with the woman using his laptop in January 2019, Hunter left the camera rolling as he recounted a Vegas bender in which he spent '18 days going round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite,' sometimes costing $10,000 a night.

'I spent f***ing crazy amounts of money,' Hunter said. 'I was with these guys. The one guy was, not like you anyway… each night he'd be like 'there's going to be so many people here, crazy f***ing party' and each night it's nobody.'

Hunter Biden claims Russian drug dealers stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosing in a Vegas hotel room in 2018. Video obtained by DailyMail.com shows Hunter with a naked hooker in 2019, explaining how he believed his laptop was stolen.

After filming himself having sex with the woman using his laptop in January 2019, Hunter left the camera rolling as he recounted a Vegas bender in which he spent '18 days going round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite,' sometimes costing $10,000 a night...

A second laptop belonging to the president's son was reportedly seized by federal agents when they raided the office of his friend, disgraced psychiatrist Keith Ablow, last year.

Two sources told NBC that the DEA found the device when executing a search warrant on Ablow's Massachusetts office after he was accused of professional misconduct and had his medical license suspended.

Ablow has not been charged with a crime and the laptop was returned to Hunter's lawyer. Hunter described how his third laptop was 'stolen' one night during the summer 2018 bender when he almost overdosed on drugs.

'I went out to the hot tub by myself, which hangs over the edge of the f***ing top floor, with glass, it's ridiculous. 'And so I'm sitting there and that's the last I remember. And I don't ever pass out, ever.

'I wake up and the only people that are there are Miguel, the guy frantically running round gathering things up, ok – and Miguel, and Pierce, this guy, his friend. 'They had kicked everybody out. And they had cleaned up the entire place, everything ok? And they were getting ready to leave, and I woke up. And there was this Russian 35-year-old, really nice, pure brunette.

'She refused to leave and they wouldn't call an ambulance. And they didn't know whether I was dead or not, at first.' Hunter said it was after that debauched night he realized his computer was missing.

'I think he's the one that stole my computer. I think the three of them, the three guys that were like a little group. The dealer and his two guys, I took them everywhere. F***ing everywhere, crazy out of your mind sh**.'...

The president's son told the prostitute that the allegedly stolen laptop was also full of compromising sex videos. 'They have videos of me doing this,' he said, referring to the filmed sex he just finished. 'They have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex f***ing, you know.

'My computer, I had taken tons of like, just left like that cam on. And he would always put in a passcode and all that, you know what I mean? It was f***ing crazy sh**. And somebody stole it during that period of time. He did all this kind of like pretend search and sh**.

The prostitute asked Hunter if he was worried the Russian alleged thieves would try to 'blackmail' him. Hunter replied: 'Yeah in some way yeah.' 'My dad [inaudible] running for president,' he told her in a hushed voice. 'He is. I talk about it all the time. 'If they do, he also knows I make like a gazillion dollars.'...




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