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Britney Spears Conservatorship To Be Reevaluated And She Wants To Come Off The Antipsychotic Medications Keeping Her From Harming Others

November 9. 2018

Britney Spears

As many of you know, pop singer Britney Spears, was declared insane by the Los Angeles courts in 2008. While I have compassion and sympathy for the mentally ill, I am not a fan of Spears for several reasons. Some people become mentally ill due to circumstances beyond their control.

Spears, being a greedy, fame and money hungry pop star, joined the Kabbalah cult, who call themselves the Illuminati, and it was the beginning of her downfall. To get into Kabbalah, you have to worship the devil and renounce Christianity, as the head of the sect, Madonna, is a hateful, demonic person who was excommunicated by the Catholic church.

Spears sold her soul to the devil, under promises she would receive more career opportunities in Hollywood. People have gone undercover in Kabbalah meetings, only to hear and see them go into demonic trances, while chanting evil things about people they deem their enemies. They were also observed in strange, brainwashed trances demonically chanting their enemies names and pronouncing hexes against them. The cult is steeped in the darkness of the occult.

Kabbalah also spies on its members, which created paranoid schizophrenia in them. Several Kabbalah cult members have committed very murders in New York, California, Michigan, London (England) and Israel. They were prosecuted for these barbaric crimes.

Kabbalah members such as Britney Spears, Kanye West, Mariah Carey, Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan, among others, became so mentally ill due to the cult’s brainwashing and spying on them, that they were involuntarily sectioned and placed in psychiatric wards as a danger to themselves and others.

In Spears case, she agreed to worship the devil in the cult, because Madonna promised her career favors and financial opportunities in Hollywood. Therefreore, I don’t feel sorry for Spears. She made a deal with the devil and it darn near destroyed her. She embraced darkness with sick occult practices at Kabbalah meetings and it wrecked her life.

Many painted Spears’ ex-husband Kevin Federline as the bad guy for wanting custody of his kids. However, the day Spears was detained by police and involuntarily committed to the psychiatric ward at her father’s request (he stated “we have a very sick little girl”) Spears had bitten one of her little kids and shook the other one violently. She had also began engaging in self-harm.

Then, Spears tried to fight the responding police, when they accompanied paramedics to her home to take her kids out of what was a dangerous and violent situation in the property, and transport her to the hospital. Spears was strapped to the gurney, acting as a straight jacket used on the mentally ill.

Federline became alarmed when Spears began engaging in crazy behavior at her home. She was spending excessively, engaging in violent outbursts, harming the kids, jeopardizing their safety and having sex with people while the children were not properly supervised. Spears indulged in illegal drug use and massive drinking in the presence of her small children. Spears also got abusive with staff, which became a legal liability (litigation).

Spears was violently hitting and biting people (much like her fellow Kabbalah cult member Kanye West later did, which also got him committed to a hospital psychiatric ward in Los Angeles). Spears’ family had no choice but to have her committed to the mental institution at the hospital.  

What has kept her schizophrenia and bipolar disorder under control for the past decade is the 10 antipsychotic drugs doctors prescribed for Spears. The website TMZ had posted legal documents from the conservatorship, signed by a Los Angeles court judge, which listed all the powerful antipsychotic drugs she is on. It has dumbed Spears down and left her with a vacant expression in interviews, but it is better than her violently harming her children, herself and others.

Now Spears wants have the conservatorship reevaluated and come off the antipsychotic meds, but it is a terrible idea. Spears is still quite mentally ill. The antipsychotic drugs are needed to maintain the correct chemical balance in her brain and keep her sedated, so she won’t erupt in violent, schizophrenic rages and harm others again.

Spears is still a member of the Kabbalah cult and has been engaging in unlawful conduct with the sect, similar to what was exposed in the Anthony Pellicano criminal trial, which sent the private investigator of Kabbalah cult leader Madonna, to prison for 15-years on massive RICO, wiretapping and hacking charges. Spears is violating the law with the Kabbalah cult and is headed for serious trouble. There is a trail of evidence proving she has been breaking the law with the cult.

Madonna and her cult made Spears many promises of maximum fame and wealth, but her career went straight downhill after the cult's practices caused her to become clinically insane. She has not had a hit record since. Spears' managers have kept income coming in by having her to a residency (series of nightly concerts). Other than that, her career is dead.

And the moral of the story is, do not join the Kabbalah cult. It will cost you your sanity, career and then your freedom, among other things. Stay away from them. They are depraved, sick human beings, who are harming others for fame and money.


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