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Wolverine Can't Catch A Break

April 28. 2009

Hugh Jackman at "Wolverine" premiere in Tempe, Arizona

The Mexico premiere of the leaked film "Wolverine" has been cancelled, due to the pig flu outbreak. That's it! The film is jinxed.

Did wolves and pigs ever really get along, anyway. Now the pig has sabotaged the wolf. Pig, the enemy of the wolf. Ah, the wonders of science.

Side Bar: did that make sense to you, because it sure didn't make sense to me, but what am I going to write about it? The premiere got cancelled. End of story.

Side Bar 2: If Wolverine were that "mighty" as the next article suggests, he wouldn't be scared of pig flu. Personally, I think he's scared of the barber. Wolverine has the most messed up do in all of Hollywood...since Ace Ventura.

Hugh Jackman visit to Mexico canceled

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Even the mighty Wolverine is taking precautions when it comes to swine flu.

Film distributor 20th Century Fox says it has canceled actor Hugh Jackman's scheduled appearance in Mexico City to promote "X-Men Origins: Wolverine." ...

Meanwhile, movie theaters in Mexico City are closed to help prevent the flu from spreading...




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