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Witch Madonna Destroys Alex Rodriguez's Marriage
Wife Cynthia Rodriguez Filed For Divorce Today In Miami,
Lawyer Cites Madonna As Reason
Madonna Accused Of Brainwashing The Baseball Star With Her Sick
A-Rod Exhibiting Symptoms Of Mind Control, Brainwashing And
The Stockholm Syndrome - Fired Everyone From His Manager To
Trainer, Replacing Them With Kabbalah People
A-Rod Isolating From His Family, Business Associates And Long
Time Friends
July 7. 2008
Madonna brainwashed baseball star Alex Rodriguez with
caused him to abandon his family, friends and staff. Brainwashing is now Hulk Madonna's only
hope of trapping a man.

According to several reports that surfaced yesterday, that awful woman Madonna has
broken up baseball player Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez’s family via brainwashing him
with sick, destructive
His friends and family are saying his mind is going (see article excerpts

If she thought people hated her during the adoption
scandal, she should read the horrible things they are calling her now for what
she's done to this family.
You really did it this time, you animal.
Cynthia Rodriguez's lawyer, Earle Lilly, stated Alex's "Relationship with
Madonna was the final straw for Mrs. Rodriguez." They said they do not
believe it was a sexual relationship, but an emotional one where Madonna
"brainwashed" him using "mind control" and into thinking she was his "soulmate"
even encouraging him to abandon his family.

Brainwashing is the only way
that could have pulled A-Rod
It looks so bad that this hard up, used up, beat up looking Medusa/Jezebel
did something so devious and desperately wicked to an innocent family. The only
way Madonna, He-Man She-man could pull A-Rod is with
"Cleaning Out Your Vessel"
According to
Fox Sports Alex has been going through the Kabbalah practice called "Cleaning out your vessel" where you rid
yourself of family, friends and business associates, replacing them with
Kabbalah people. He is clinging to them though they are destroying his life. This is very dangerous and is also known as the Stockholm
Due to the fact A-Rod's net worth is $450,000,000 they have zoomed in on him as a
financial target, much like they've done to others with substantial assets.
Yahoo, The New York Post, Fox 411 and numerous outlets are reporting they are trying to
get A-Rod's money (see article excerpts and links below).

Cynthia and Alex Rodriguez in an undated photo
Many psychologists and cult experts all state, it is a standard cult practice
to isolate cult members from their families, friends and associates by any means
possible, brainwash them and then take their assets (see
article excerpts and links listed below). A-Rod's not spending time with his family anymore, not even his new born,
which is unnatural and a bad sign regarding what's going on with him.
Separately, his long time friend was on TV this morning pleading with him to
call him, as they used to be best buds, but now for no reason, he's stopped
speaking to him. He's not the only one. A-Rod fired all his people from his
manager to trainers and replaced them with Kabbalah people.

In another incriminating incident, A-Rod’s trainer
and godfather to his children, Dodd Romer,
stated Madonna "brainwashed" him with Kabbalah to the point he can't think
straight anymore, as he has "been pulled over to the dark side." Déjà vu.
She did the same to Britney Spears, Guy Ritchie, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton
- it killed their
respective careers and
rendered them loco. Yankees fans shouldn’t hold their breaths.

Madonna and husband Guy Ritchie
Rodriguez has been going to the Kabbalah Center and doing all the brainwashed
things Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan did before their public
breakdowns over the course of the last year - like driving around listening
to Madonna CDs all the time (read below). Madonna's music is not exactly A-Rod's
demographic. His trainer said he goes into a brainwashed "trance" when her music
videos come on. Psychologists describe
this as a form of mind control using trances.
X17 and Splash photo agencies used to always report how Paris Hilton, Britney
Spears and Lindsay Lohan would listen to Madonna CDs in their cars all the time.
They also kept robotically putting in plugs for Madonna in their interviews at
the strangest times, in
ways that were just weird, abrupt and out of place.

Madonna looks like a mentally ill zombie
Britney was even caught wandering around CVS drug store with a crazy
expression on her face and a huge 500 plus
page Kabbalah book called the "Zohar." The whole thing looked completely awkward
and staged. Her former unqualified manager, Sam, was the Kabbalah Center's guy in Britney's life that helped to push her
over the edge to steal her money, which they did. They received a $35,000
donation, but an additional $1,000,000 in Britney's funds and assets
are still missing. I've got bad news for you guys, it is
being said in the industry that Madonna slept with Britney. Ewww.

Madonna is a modern day witch. The things she and the Kabbalah Center profess as
the way to so-called enlightenment is modern day witchcraft, casting spells,
mind control, brainwashing, manipulation and reading stars to determine your
fate. These are all things the Bible ascribes to witches. She's even starting to
look like a witch. I'm just saying:

Seriously, she is sick and insane. Look how she stole the African baby. Look what she’s done to
A-Rod’s family. Look what she did to Britney. Look at what she did in my case.
You have to be a very sick, selfish, sadistic, psychopathic animal to do the
terrible things Madonna has done to others. She deserves every bit of the
public bashing she is getting for breaking up an innocent family to steal their
How many lives is Robert Mueller at the FBI going to let that animal destroy before they do
something about her and that Kabbalah cult. Many people are hurt by what's
happened to A-Rod and history shall remember Mr. Mueller as the criminally
negligent FBI director that sat back and on evidence of serious crimes, where innocent people
could have been saved from that sick cult.
MIAMI - Alex Rodriguez's heartbroken wife Cynthia
believes her hubby has been "brainwashed" by Kabbalah-pushing pop icon Madonna
and lured away from his family, an A-Rod confidant said.
In a bombshell interview with The Post, Dodd Romero
— Rodriguez's former trainer and godfather to his two daughters who spent last
week in Paris with Cynthia Rodriguez — said he and C-Rod believe the Yankee
superstar has been gradually drawn away by Madonna's allure.
"Alex, God bless him, is lost," A-Rod's ex-pal
lamented. "I think he got pulled in by the dark side, if you can say that
He's totally brainwashed."
Cutting off his relationship with A-Rod "was one of
the hardest things I've had to do, because he's like a brother to me," Romero
He said A-Rod is going through a kabbalah
practice called "cleaning out your vessel," which means getting out the old and
taking in the new.
"To me that's a way of saying leave your family and
move on," Romero said.
After hooking up with Madonna,
A-Rod was soon frequenting Manhattan's Kabbalah Centre — where he's been
spotted recently — in an all-white uniform, the sect's symbol of purity.
The temple on East 48th Street near Lexington
Avenue is the same center that Madonna and her family visited yesterday. "I've seen him walking out of it," said doorman
Andrew Rodriguez (no relation to A-Rod), who works at a building next door to
the center.
And when A-Rod is driving in his car, he'll only
listen to Madonna music, the trainer said.
Rodriguez and Oseary became fast friends, and
Oseary's influence over A-Rod led the Yankee to a highly publicized breakup with
agent Scott Boras, baseball's most powerful player representative, according to
a source with knowledge of the split.
Pop icon Madonna is using
kabbalah to brainwash Yankee star Alex Rodriguez into believing they are "soulmates,"
the ballplayer's estranged wife is telling friends.
Friends say the baseballer has
been "brainwashed" by the pop star's mystical Kabbalah religion. "This all
started with Kaballah," one friend told the New York Daily News. "Alex told
Cynthia that he'd discovered that he'd been looking for his soul mate. And now,
he said, he'd found her." The friend said Mrs Rodriguez had found a letter in
which her husband told Madonna: "You are my true soul mate."
Wife says Madonna using
kabbalah to brainwash A-Rod
Pop icon Madonna is using
kabbalah to brainwash New York Yankee star Alex Rodriguez into believing they
are "soulmates," the ballplayer's estranged wife is telling friends.
1. They define cults as organizations that feature
"coordinated programs of coercive influence and behavioral control," many
religiously or politically oriented and increasingly centered on New Age
self-improvement techniques that they claim are now being peddled to businesses.
They enumerate the dangers of cults to the individual, particularly the attack
on the sense of self; they analyze the leaders' techniques (almost all these
groups are authoritarian), including isolation from family and friends,
trance induction, guided imagery and indirect suggestion;
they offer practical advice on methods of helping survivors to escape and
2. There may be other factors, but I see at least
two major evolved psychological mechanisms emerging from the past to make us
susceptible to cults. The Patty Hearst kidnapping 2 exemplifies one. We know
that people can undergo a sudden change of thinking and loyalties under threat
of death or intense social pressure and isolation from friends and family.
Usually called "brainwashing," it is also known as The Stockholm Syndrome 3 and
“mind control.”
3. "A cult is a group or movement exhibiting a great or excessive devotion
or dedication to some person, idea or thing and employing unethically
manipulative techniques of persuasion and control (e.g. isolation from former
friends and family, debilitation, use of special methods to heighten
suggestibility and subservience, powerful group pressures, information
management, suspension of individuality or critical judgment, promotion of total
dependency on the group and fear of [consequences of] leaving it, etc) designed
to advance the goals of the group's leaders to the actual or possible detriment
of members, their families, or the community."
- West, L. J., & Langone, M. D. (1985). Cultism: A conference for scholars
and policy makers. Summary of proceedings of the Wingspread conference on
cultism, September 9–11.
Group members are thus often cut off and isolated from any outside frame
of reference or objective feedback. They become constrained through their
largely exclusive associations within the group, this may also include being
substantially removed from family and old friends. All these factors can create
a kind of vacuum regarding any meaningful critical analysis. And then the group
and/or its leadership fills that vacuum with its own perspective and agenda…
The person in submission is also frequently
isolated from family and friends and becomes very dependent upon the dominant
authority figure.
1. People are put in physically or emotionally
distressing situations;
2. Their problems are reduced to one simple explanation, which is repeatedly
3. They receive unconditional love, acceptance, and attention from a charismatic
4. They get a new identity based on the group;
5. They are subject to entrapment (isolation from friends, relatives, and the
mainstream culture) and their access to information is severely controlled.
- Psychology 101, Carole Wade et al., 2005
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