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Tom Cruise Sent Death Threats

December 29. 2008

Tom Cruise

Somebody hates Tom Cruise. Well, that could be anybody. Someone sent him death threats. Once again, that could be anybody.

Scientology is so despised it may be difficult to narrow down exactly who sent Cruise the death threats, regarding placing anthrax in the air conditioning vents at his office.

According to some, it could be the informal organization “Anonymous” which has been targeting Cruise for the deaths of dozens of people in the Scientology cult that he fronts. It maybe someone else as well. Once again, Tom Cruise has so turned off the public, it could be anybody.

Tom Cruise and wife Katie Holmes

Scientology is getting a sad dose of its own medicine, pardon the pun, as over the years the pharmaceutical hating lunatics in the cult, have harassed people to death (literally). Some died under suspicious circumstances, while other adversaries were hounded and bullied until they committed suicide.

While, I’m not encouraging physical attacks against Cruise, what goes around comes around. Scientology showed the world how ruthless it can be with people that simply speak out against them. In turn, someone probably felt this is how the cult plays ball.

Tom Cruise 'is going to be killed'

Actor Tom Cruise has been warned by anti-Scientology activists that he will be assassinated, reports say.

Cruise and his wife Katie Holmes are so shaken by the death threats that they have alerted the FBI and will only travel in bomb-proof vehicles, the Daily Mail reports.

The threats are believed to have been made by a group that opposes Scientology, a religion which counts Cruise as one of its most devout and high-profile followers.

The Mail reports that the US actor is so fearful of his family's safety that he now lives in a separate location to Holmes and their two-year-old daughter Suri.

The 46-year-old Mission: Impossible star has also alerted the FBI and stepped up his security.

Anti-Scientology group Anonymous protested at the Los Angeles premiere of his new film Valkyrie last week...




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