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Theresa May Deported Thousands Of Students From Britain And Destroyed Their Academic Records By Falsely Alleging They Cheated On Tests May 3. 2018
Theresa May In the April 20, 2018 Judiciary Report article "Theresa May Exposed In Parliament For Lying About The Destruction Of Windrush Landing Cards In Immigration Scandal (Video)" I wrote about Prime Minister Theresa May deceitfully deporting students from Britain, when she was Home Secretary, after knowingly and falsely accusing them of cheating on a test. May knew they had not cheated. May also knew her conduct would damage their academic record, cost them tuition they had already paid, wreck their international standing, because if they apply to study in another nation, immigration will ask if they have ever been deported from any country and will hold it against them, likely denying their application. Evil May knew all this and criminally conspired with a company to lie that they students cheated on a test. She is evil to the core. All to hit crazy, unrealistic immigration targets she set, in her ethnic cleansing of Britain. This week, the Evening Standard published an article stating the number of students deported is far higher than previously thought. May's dirt is coming to the surface and it's not pretty. May's xenophobia got the British government sued by a number of students, after she defamed them as cheaters. She is the most sinister Prime Minister Britain has ever had. The woman is genuinely evil and heartless. The Evening Standard reported, "It comes after reports the Government may have deported 7,000 foreign students after falsely accusing them of cheating in English language tests. But Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable said the figure was larger because some students at a London university were sent home when they had done nothing wrong, while others on legitimate vocational courses were deported for 'working illegally'." May is a real piece of work. Once again her arrogance got the better of her, leading to this appalling, disgraceful decision. A friend of my family, who is a former Jamaican Prime Minister, attended the London School of Economics in England. He is an accomplished lawyer, who returned home to Jamaica and ran the country well for many years. He, like a number of men and women who went to university in Britain, at prestigious schools such as the London School of Economics, Oxford and Cambridge, to name a few, returned to their homelands and made something of themselves. However, in May's eyes foreign students are nothing but benefits scroungers looking for free benefits checks and free healthcare. It her narrow, racist mind, foreign students are not in Britain to learn, but to sponge off the British government. Foreign students pay tuition, room and board. They also buy food, clothes and other living supplies from local merchants. This all boosts the British economy, adding billions of pounds sterling, but to May they are nothing but a bunch of benefits scroungers (they aren't even eligible for benefits). I am of the belief May should be prosecuted in a court of law for this scandal (and Windrush and deporting EU citizens, among other things). May destroyed thousands of students lives, who walked away damaged, defrauded and with a terrible impression of the British government. May keeps needlessly making enemies in the world and that's not good for Britain. STORY SOURCE Number of foreign students mistakenly deported 'much higher than thought' Sir Vince Cable blamed 'sloppy form-filling' 10 hours ago - It has been claimed another 7,000 students may have been wrongly deported. The number of foreign students who may have been mistakenly deported is much higher than current estimates, it was claimed today. It comes after reports the Government may have deported 7,000 foreign students after falsely accusing them of cheating in English language tests. But Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable said the figure was larger because some students at a London university were sent home when they had done nothing wrong, while others on legitimate vocational courses were deported for “working illegally”. Sir Vince said students at London Met university had their courses terminated and were sent home after it lost its licence to sponsor visas in 2012. He said these were not “bogus students” but victims of what he called “sloppy form-filling” at the university. Another group who have been unfairly treated, he said, are those on legitimate courses which required them to spend some time in a work environment. RELATED ARTICLES British Prime Minister Theresa May Forms Coalition Government With DUP To Remain In Office |
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