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The FBI Illegally Went Into Britain, Threatened British Adults And Children's Lives And Criminally Meddled In The NHS And Premier League With The Assistance Of Select Tory Politicians

August 3. 2021

Former FBI directors Robert Mueller (left), James Comey (center) and former president Barack Obama (right)

Former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Robert Mueller, and his protégé, James Comey, criminally violated British and international law, via conduct that was and is also illegal under the U.S. Code.

Robert Mueller descends from Nazis in Hitler's army and behaves like them too

The scumbag Mueller, who is a dirty, ugly, gutter trash thief, literally descends from Nazis, turned America into a police state, as noted by the press, via using illegal Nazi tactics at the FBI, such as illegal mass spying, unlawful search and seizure, and brutalizing minorities, all forbidden under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code.

Mueller nefariously had knowingly false and fraudulent information sent to the British government and royal family, demanding they act on it, which is a crime under UK and US law. Mueller, criminally went into Britain, via agents he dispatched to threaten, terrorize and harass innocent British citizens for political and financial gain, which is forbidden under the laws of the United Kingdom and United States.

Former prime minister David Cameron and current prime minister Boris Johnson

Mueller and Comey threatened the lives of British elderly people and children, illegally demanding their assistance in an illegal plot for the FBI's financial and political gain. Former British Prime Minister and Tory, David Cameron, assisted with the crimes.

In fact, Cameron wasted over 2,000,000 in British taxpayer money on a task force that proved absolutely fruitless. It wasted police time and taxpayer money, all on the instructions of the FBI, who got Cameron to approve the illegal maneuver.

For over a decade the FBI has been illegally going into Britain, issuing criminal threats against people's lives and jobs, and demanding British citizens meet with them at cafes, so there won't be a paper trail of the FBI's criminal conduct in demanding innocent people cooperate with their (FBI) crimes on British shores.

For example, the FBI criminally went into Britain, sending FBI agents to threaten the life of and terrorize a little old lady, who had done them no wrong. The FBI so threatened and terrorized the little old lady and her family, she had to be treated by a medical doctor for clinical depression. The once happy, well-adjusted, smart little old lady, was distraught from FBI abuse.

The FBI's treacherous, sinister, mean-spirited, illegal conduct towards the little old lady, greatly contributed to the stress induced illness that claimed her life recently (when she could have lived longer).

The last 10-years of the little old lady's life was spent under heavy stress, anxiety, distress and depression, because the degenerate, scumbucket FBI, acting under the criminal orders of Robert Mueller and James Comey, kept telephoning and trespassing at her home, with psychotic threats on her life and family. And you're going to answer for that.

The FBI were demanding she break the law in Britain to help them with conduct Congress would have to put the FBI under the prison for doing, as it is universally illegal and despicable. She refused and they made her life a living nightmare for not committing the crimes they wanted her to do.

This little old lady had served her country, Britain, for over 40-years. Apparently, under David Cameron, that's the thanks you got for honorably serving Britain, him being a yellow bellied coward bowing to and cooperating with FBI aggression and imperialism like a first rate sissy and cat. Cameron swore an oath to protect the British people and he did not. He is a self-serving louse.

Cameron laid down like a $2 prostitute and let the FBI criminally trample British citizens. Cameron also let the FBI unlawfully meddle in the BBC. Cameron (and some in his former administration who are still in government now and running Britain into the ground) let the FBI meddle in the NHS with the intent to sell it from under the British people. Cameron also sat back as the FBI sized up and tried to damage and destroy the Premier League, which is the top sports league in the world.

Might I add, you, Cameron, deserved the unceremonious, shame filled exit from office you received. You betrayed the British flag like a real traitor and coward. Not to mention, you betrayed the Commonwealth as well, when you arrogantly went out to Jamaica telling the Jamaican Parliament to get over slavery.

You, a man whose ancestors owned 160 slaves in Jamaica, thought it your place to take your arrogant, degenerate backside out there telling them to get over slavery. Never mind, you actively practiced slavery while you were in office, via what transpired at the BBC under your watch. And don't pretend you didn't know. I have proof you knew of the FBI's crimes and illegally aided it.

I will disclose said proof and additional information in full detail, in a future item online, in a book, documentary and film. I will make sure it gets embedded in world history in the worst way possible, permanently disgracing all of you involved to future generations, for abusing that little old lady and her family. When I get done with that book, documentary and film (replete with all the details of your crimes), your family members will all change their names to get away from the stench, shame and humiliation of being related to you. You have my word on it.

I predict the FBI and Cameron, among others, will formally answer to the world within the scope of the law for the crimes against humanity they've committed. And my predictions happen all the time (exclusives). As the phrase states, regarding what goes around comes around, "Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows he will also reap (Galatians 6:7)."


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