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Sex Tapes: There Ought To Be A Law

Heidi Montag Confirms Existence Of Lauren Conrad Sex Tape

May 1. 2008

Heidi Montag, one of the stars of MTV's reality show The Hills, confirmed on television last night that there is a sex tape featuring her co-star Lauren Conrad.

Montag stated, Conrad's ex-boyfriend, the N-word using, drug abusing Jason Wahler, was trying to sell it. This has become a trend that needs to stop. It's not cute and you're turning yourself into something you and your children will regret down the road.

While it is a very serious crime to film someone without their permission in places and situations where privacy is to be expected, such as in a home, public bathroom or hotel room, to name a few, consensually making a sex tape with another person is not illegal.

However, there should be a law that a person cannot sell, show or disseminate in any fashion, a sex tape or nude photos, without the consent of the other party. People should face jail time for doing that. It would stem the flow of all these sex tapes coming out. A better solution would be to not make them.

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag insist Lauren Conrad sex tape existed

While Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt never actually saw the alleged sex tape featuring The Hills Lauren Conrad and her ex-beau Jason Wahler, they insist that it did in fact exist at one point.

"It was not a rumor, that's all I have to say," said Montag during a pre-taped appearance on Tuesday's broadcast of the syndicated The Tyra Banks Show. "From what I heard from confirmed sources is that her ex-boyfriend was going around trying to sell it."




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