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Rival British Politician Jeremy Corbyn Calls Prime Minister Boris Johnson A Hypocrite For Deporting People For The Same Crimes He Has Committed

February 17. 2020

Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaking in parliament about hypocrite Boris Johnson who is a Class A drug user that conspired to beat up a journalist, all conduct Johnson should have been deported for years ago:

This month British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a far right racist who has slurred minorities, immigrants and gays, insisted on a deportation flight from London to Jamaica, before the courts had a proper chance to complete an appeal and a separate legal review.

After the Windrush scandal, people all over the world no longer trust the Tory government on matters of immigration, as the deliberately and wrongly sent and executed deportation orders against people from the Caribbean, as well as many individuals from Africa, Australia and the European Union, who have been lawfully residing in Britain.

British Labour party rival, Jeremy Corbyn, slammed Johnson as a hypocrite for deporting people for criminal offenses, when he, Johnson, is a criminal who took Class A drugs, criminally conspired to beat up a journalist, and misappropriated taxpayer money for himself and his mistress, Jennifer Arcuri, among other criminal offenses.

As Corbyn excoriated Johnson, the prime minister sat there mumbling to himself like a crazy person, seething with anger that his hypocrisy was being named and shamed. Many on the internet laughed at Johnson over the incident, in viral videos that have been widely circulated on social networking.

I am well aware that many nations have rules regarding criminal offenses and immigrants (even those who have been naturalized as citizens). Under the laws of many nations, immigrants can be deported for serious criminal offenses. It’s understandable to some degree.

If an immigrant commits violent crimes, rapes and serious financial fraud, it is understandable that they would be deported. However, I do not agree with deporting people for items such as using drugs or committing traffic offenses that did not result in serious injury.

The hypocrisy arises when one has a prime minister, Johnson, who himself is an immigrant that came to Britain at age 5, went into the school system and later public office, breaking the law in both places. The rule of law is diminished and loses resonance in the face of such hypocrisy.

Sometimes you have immigrants, like Johnson, who are nasty to other immigrants, in trying to prove to wealthy natives I’m one of you, not one of them (immigrants). However, it is a hypocritical, sniveling, yellow bellied thing to do. No one needs to be nasty to anyone.

You also have some deluded minorities, who are immigrants or the offspring of immigrants, that do the same regarding shunning and insulting foreigners. Ironically some are in Johnson’s cabinet and don't grasp the fact they are not white and will never be accepted as such.

They are ingratiating themselves with the far right of Johnson's cabinet, select racist politicians in the Tory party and the hateful fringe of their base, not grasping the fact they are token people of color on display to make them appear less racist. Meanwhile they are calling you "nig*er" "sand ni*gers" "nig*ers in the woodpile" "sooty" "darky" and "blackamoors" behind their backs. But I digress…

The Windrush scandal disgraced politicians in the Tory party, as it was discovered that hateful, racist, former prime minister, Theresa May, illegally sent out tens of thousands of deportation letters to Caribbean immigrants, who were invited to Britain between the 1940-1970, to help rebuild Britain after the war.

Caribbean world governments and their citizens were told anyone from the Commonwealth who accepted Britain’s offer to immigrate to the United Kingdom, would be granted automatic citizenship upon arrival and “have the same rights as all Britons.” They were also told they could bring their children who would also have automatic citizenship and the same rights as Britons. After all, they were at that time period "British subjects" in the Commonwealth.

Over 120,000 people from the Caribbean immigrated to Britain during that time period. They staffed the National Health Service (NHS), the railways and tubes, restaurants, construction industry and a host of other job positions. They physically helped to rebuild Britain as laborers in construction jobs, greatly helped to build the railway systems and alleviated the labor shortages (many Britons had died in the war, which created labor shortages). Caribbean people also fought alongside the Brits in the war as soldiers. 

Every British government kept its word in upholding the citizenship of Windrush immigrants. However, despicable Theresa May, who became Home Secretary under former Prime Minister, David Cameron, then Prime Minister in succeeding him, began throwing Windrush citizens out of the country until deceitful, false pretenses. It was a new low.

Britain had been rebuilt in everyway, with the help of Windrush immigrants, and had become very prosperous. Arrogant, xenophobic May decided Britain didn't need immigrants anymore and she set about a sick plan to purge Britain of every immigrant she could get rid of, even if it meant breaking domestic and international law to do so.

First, as Home Secretary, May destroyed all the official landing cards regarding airports/ports of entry, which recorded the names and dates, among other data, of each Windrush immigrant landing in Britain. Rules were also made regarding record retention, instructing British schools that they are permitted to discard all their older records from that time period.

This set the stage for May to claim elderly Windrush citizens and their offspring, who lawfully arrived in Britain several decades ago, were frauds and liars, who had just shown up in the United Kingdom as illegal immigrants looking for a handout.

Some Windrush victims were so horrified at the treachery and wickedness of her conduct, they died from the stress and shock at being double-crossed and betrayed by the British government in the form of Theresa May. Some had heart attacks. Others developed stress related illnesses.

May is an absolutely evil, dirty, hateful old wretched woman, who has disgraced her government in the world. The story made many newspapers around the globe, as her acts were so calculated and cruel. May has blood on her hands regarding the deaths of Windrush citizens and she will answer to God for it in this life and the next one.

Johnson has been continuing May's scandalous and evil Windrush policies. He is not following the rule of law or waiting for the court reviews. The legal question has not been answered regarding the status of all the deportees. He has portrayed all 50 of them as violent criminals, when some have committed the same drug offenses he has done.

At the end of the day, Britain is an island of immigrants. The Queen is German (her German great-great-grandfather married into the royal family). Prince Philip is Greek (he married into the British royal family). British Prime Johnson is of Turkish and Swedish descent, and he was also born in New York in America. His birth name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. I call him “Waffle de Falafel” because it sounds like his middle name, rhymes and all he does is waffle on political topics while looking like a round falafel.


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