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Prostitute Countersues David Beckham

October 5. 2010


Victoria and David Beckham

Prostitute, Irma Nici, who was sued by David Beckham, for defamation and libel, over claims she made in In Touch magazine, stating she had a threesome with the British football player, has countersued.

The countersuit is without merit and frivolous. She is suing Beckham for abridging her right to free speech. However, she is incorrect. She's had her say via In Touch magazine and Beckham did not block the issue from being published. He has not gagged her in any fashion. She is correct in stating each person is entitled to free speech in America. However, one can be sued over it as a consequence, if one's words are libelous, slanderous or threatening, with the latter leading to arrest. 

Nici also claims in legal papers, due to Beckham's process server aggressively pursing her, she somehow sustained damage. I warned this would happen, days before she filed suit or made announcements regarding her intent to do so. Process service need not be aggressive, as it can open the door to other legal claims. However, Nici has failed to state what these physical injuries are, only claiming she was kicked out of the W Hotel in New York, after being served Beckham's legal papers. 

Irma Nici

Getting kicked out of the hotel was most likely due to her profession, which, as mentioned previously, is prostitution. Respectable hotels dislike women of ill repute patronizing their establishments, as there is a concern the premises will be used for prostitution, which is a crime. 

Under the circumstances, Beckham can't be blamed for that. The more plausible reason for the ejection is the hotel discovering, via press articles, when the story exploded in the mainstream press worldwide, a prostitute is ensconced in one of their rooms. That's usually a no-no for an upscale hotel.

Once again, Nici has failed to produce any proof of an affair with Beckham. She has simply restated items other individuals have written online, regarding his physical characteristics and used press articles to pinpoint where he was located on specific dates, which she has now mysteriously placed herself as well, with no passport stamps to show for it. What Irma Nici has is a story with nothing to back it up. It's hard enough to prove claims against a celebrity, due to government corruption, bribery and Hollywood blacklisting, but to make claims with no proof, is unwise and hard to take seriously. 



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