Pebbles Shuts Down Rumors She Has A Secret Son
With El Debarge
July 30. 2014
For the past few years, a man has been submitting
stories to blogs claiming he is the secret son of R&B legends
Pebbles (born Perri McKissack) and El Debarge. He even took Pebbles'
last name calling himself "Sebastian McKissack." He took his
mentally unstable, stalker behavior to new heights recently, stating he is
going to publish a tell-all book on the subject next month.
Being a Pebbles fan since I was a kid, I found the
rumors unsettling and did not (and do not) believe them. I did not
like the reaction the lies were provoking from the public on
feedback sections of various blogs, who were being duped. I even did an article about it
several months ago.

El Debarge
Last week, I tweeted to Pebbles about it on Twitter,
stating I do not believe the rumors and the same was said about
Janet Jackson having a secret son with a Debarge (James). However,
it turned out it was Janet's niece someone mistook for her daughter,
as the Jacksons have very similar features and have a very distinct
look with the high cheek bones and doe eyed (big, brown eyes).
Pebbles responded to the tweet stating she does not
have a secret son and does not know El Debarge, though she is a fan
of his music (as am I). I hope this puts this matter to rest for the
public. The public should not buy the forthcoming book, as it is not
based in truth. No need to read a pack of lies. Sometimes people
latch on to pretty female singers and actresses, making outlandish,
untrue claims. Pebbles is beautiful and El Debarge is almost as
pretty as Pebbles (El, you know you're pretty, embrace it bro LOL).

Pebbles states in Tweet she does not know El Debarge
Either "Sebastian" was lied to by someone in his
actual family, as has happened in other cases or he developed the scientifically recognized
psychiatric disorder Erotomania, where one believes one is related
to, married to or has a special connection to a celebrity, when in
reality no such relation, relationship or bond exists.
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