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Court Contradictions: O.J. Simpson 'Not Guilty' At Criminal Trial, Yet Found 'Liable' At Civil Trial? The O.J. Simpson trial stirred up a lot of controversy in the 90’s. Simpson was tried for allegedly murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. He was found “not guilty” of the charges in criminal court, yet was sued in civil court and found liable. This civil case, more than many others with strange outcomes, has undermined the U.S. court system. How can you be cleared of charges, deemed “not guilty” then sued in another court for you money and be found “liable” with a 33 million dollar verdict levied against you. This is one of the worst legal contradictions ever. It looks absolutely corrupt. Recently, O.J. Simpson and the vile Judith Regan put out a book titled “If I Did It,” a thoroughly inappropriate piece surmising how Simpson would have killed Brown-Simpson and Goldman if he had done it. I thought the concept of the book was thoroughly disrespectful and distasteful. However, a federal judge was able to freeze O.J.’s assets they deem came from the latest book. How is it a judge is able to freeze O.J.’s assets yet no one did that in the Enron case that allowed executives to walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars in innocent, duped shareholders and employees’ money. There is too much hypocrisy and too much of a double standard in the court system. More on the latest O.J. Simpson debacle, from the Sound Off Column OJ Book And TV Special Cancelled
O.J. and publisher Judith Regan The O.J. Simpson murder trial was talked about frequently in the 90’s. Recently, it was dredged up again in the form of a now scrapped book and TV special titled “If I Did It.” I remember a joke a comedian made on BET’s Comic View many years ago where he stated O.J. would get out of jail and write a book called “How I Did It.” Is this where the idea for the project came from. The book and TV special O.J. Simpson was planning on releasing through Fox News and its publishing affiliate, Regan Books, was cancelled due to public backlash. The book speculates how he would have committed the double murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her boyfriend, Ron Goldman, if he had done it. While I'm not convinced O.J. committed the murders, due to the evidence having been tampered with, I thought the project was in poor taste. They should have let sleeping dogs lie. This was not the way to clear one's name, as the victims are dead and trying to recreate their murders in this manner was disrespectful. Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch What kind of nasty news operation is this man really running that it is openly violating standards of decency, morality and international law. This is way beyond unacceptable at this point. Rupert Murdoch was severely slammed over this project and deservingly so. The levels News Corp stoops to at times is appalling. They constantly show poor taste and a great disregard for the truth. I myself was defamed by one of his outlets, Roger Friedman on the Fox News site, and had my privacy invaded by another of his tabloid news units, The Sun Newspaper/Newsgroup Newspapers, who I reported to the Met Police, with one of their editors having since been arrested for invasion of privacy in snooping on the Royal Family (read about it here). So pardon me if I didn't cry for Murdoch when he got his teeth kicked in over the O.J. "If I Did It" debacle. As I wrote in the Column months ago regarding Murdoch's conduct, in my literal prayer that God brings back around to him and his family the type of public abuse he and News Corp. so frequently dispenses to innocent people, so he can experience what he and his unethical corporation continually does to others, you reap what you sow. If I were you, I'd pray to God above that He doesn't fully return to you and yours the foul invasion of privacy your papers continually engage in at the expense of innocent, unsuspecting members of the public. You know, like the criminal wiretapping, hacking, stalking and printing the illegally obtained details of people's private phone calls, cell phone messages and computer data in your papers for all to read. You're criminals. Like the depraved, perverted and ghastly Roger Friedman of the Fox 411 gossip column, Clive Goodman and Victoria Newton of Newsgroup Newspapers and Page Sixx of the New York Post. All people on your pay roll willfully violating international law, while you sign their checks knowing what they're up to. People who got so insane and arrogant that they wiretapped and hacked the Royal Family of Britain and passed the content around among themselves. That says it all. The Goldman Family
Ron Goldman's father, pictured above, has filed suit against O.J. regarding the newly scrapped book and TV special, seeking the money he was paid for doing both projects. Simpson replied that he had already spent the money.
The Brown family slammed the latest projects as well [Nicole's sister Denise pictured above].
O.J. and ex-wife Nicole One thing we do know based on 911 calls is that there was a problem in that household regarding domestic violence with O.J. beating his former wife Nicole. That was the subject of a police case.
Faye Resnick
It seems to me many people profited from the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Nicole's friend Faye Resnick did two books, Mark Fuhrman used his notoriety from the case to write a book and Cato the houseguest, used the case as a stepping stone to a career in Hollywood.
Changes Since The Trial
The restaurant Ron Goldman worked in, where Nicole had her last meal,
Mezzaluna, has been bought and renamed Pete's Cafe
The facade of Nicole's house in Brentwood, California has been
changed. The address appeared in so many publications
[Pic courtesy of the New York Times]
O.J.'s home that was seized via court order |
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