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Obama Trying To Be Dwight D. Eisenhower  

October 21. 2010

Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama has stated he is attempting to spend America out of a financial recession depression, in the manner he says former President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, did during his term. However, once again, Obama is not taking into consideration, the America of today, is a different one from Eisenhower's days in office. Like I was actually there. I wasn't born yet, but I can read history books, you know.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

In all seriousness, Eisenhower did not have to battle two costly wars in the Middle East, an unprecedented number of foreclosures, a massive number of bank closures, widespread business failures, record high deficit and an empire in serious decline. Yes, he spent large sums of taxpayer money on urban renewal and developing the highway system, as a means to create employment, but it should also be noted, there was a recession during Eisnehower's term, not long after the spending commenced. Eisenhower did many things for America, but that was a different time and Obama is dangerously living in the past, when his mind should be anticipating the future.


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President Obama: Spend The Nation Out Of Debt



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