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Obama Supporters Jumping Ship To The GOP

October 18. 2010

Barack Obama

Many press reports are indicating, supporters of U.S. President Barack Obama, have defected to the GOP (Republican Party), due to the troubles besieging the American economy that he has been unable to tame. Unemployment, like the national deficit, continues to rise. 

Obamacare has also added a significant sum of money to the national deficit, creating political woes for those Democrats in office that voted for it, at a time the nation is short on money and long on debt.

Obama is not incompetent, nor is he unintelligent, which makes the bad political and financial advice he has accepted and put into practice whilst in office, all the more befuddling. Regrettably, much of the problem is due to the fact, the President is beholden to certain individuals and entities that contributed to his campaign. 

The President needs to listen to the voice of reason and realize, his expenditures are unsustainable under the current U.S. tax code. It seems as though every week, the Obama Administration is announcing new spending initiatives, attempting to socialize America, which currently cannot function on those financial principles. 

People are alarmed by the excessive government spending and polls are reflecting said concerns, as dozens of Democrats are trailing behind Republican rivals. Obama needs to revise the direction of his presidency and his financial plans, not just for his own sake, but that of a nation that simply cannot afford it. No nation reasonable could. 

Many supporters have jumped ship, because you are steering the vessel that is America into an iceberg.


Obama supporters go GOP

As Democrats' Message Lags, GOP Awaits Huge Wins



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