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Obama Approves Of Mistreatment Of Wikileaks Suspect Bradley Manning

March 12. 2011

President Barack Obama And The First Family

U.S. President Barack Obama has gone on record this week, regarding the human rights abuses being committed against solder, Bradley Manning, stating he approves of the harsh treatment. President Obama stated, "We have met the minimum standard." This is a side of President Obama the public would rather not see, as it is not a flattering or humane one. To state you approve of a person being kept in conditions, most people would not keep a dog, is morally wrong.

Manning is being kept naked, in a dirty cell, with a mattress on the floor, no sheets, blankets or pillows. He has no contact with the outside world, save for his attorney. He has no access to the newspaper, internet or TV. He has no reading materials and is in his small cell 23 hours a day. He was stripped of his eye glasses and in his own words, "Forced to sit in essential blindness."

Bradley Manning

He is also forced to undergo morning inspections outside his cell in the nude, to disgrace and humiliate him before other occupants and employees of the prison. The government has repeatedly lied about the conditions Manning is being kept under, forcing him to speak out about the abuse.

Manning has been charged with crimes that put him in jeopardy of the death penalty, for allegedly leaking documents to the whistleblower website Wikileaks, run by Julian Assange. Whether the government wants to believe it or not, Manning is someone's child, not a barn animal. The government, including Obama, would not want anyone treating their children that way. It is a disgrace to the justice system that is being condemned in America and all over the world.


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