Madonna Violates The Privacy Of Minors
October 7. 2009

Russell Davies
As stated in the August 31, 2009 lawsuit, Aisha v. The FBI, Madonna and
members of her depraved, disgraceful Kabbalah cult, such as
television writer/producer, Russell Davies (Hollywood's "Queer as Folk" and the
BBC's "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood") not only infringed my PREEXISTING
copyrights, but violated my privacy as well and that of my family and friends,
using it as the basis for select episodes of the BBC programs "Torchwood" and
"Doctor Who."
For more on that, here is an excerpt from the August 31, 2009 lawsuit, Aisha v.
The FBI et al, relevant to this article:
24. Madonna then
spread her invasive madness to her label affiliate BBC in London where she lived
(BBC’s DVDs are distributed by Madonna’s Warner Bros). The BBC is familiar
with Aisha’s family, having worked with her dad and aunt. Previously, in 2004,
the BBC called Aisha’s dad, renowned musicologist and disc jockey, Vaughn
“Bunny” Goodison, in Jamaica over the telephone, for an interview on the
passing of his esteemed, lifelong friend and music legend, 72-year-old, Clement
Dodd. On another occasion, the BBC telephoned Aisha’s dad for comment on the
passing of famous charity worker, 87-year-old, Sister Mary Ignatius Davies,
who was also a good friend of the family. These interviews were carried on BBC
radio and on their websites. Aisha’s aunt, Jamaica’s award winning, highly
rated, poet laureate, Lorna Goodison, had also done pleasant radio and print
interviews with the BBC. Therefore, the family had maintained a good
relationship with the BBC, but Madonna, driven by ill-will and hatred, resenting
the famous arts family, due to Aisha’s very valuable, groundbreaking
Copyrighted Catalog she covets and Aisha’s refusal to respond to her
correspondences, viciously sponsored a Kabbalah styled case of gross invasion of
privacy and copyright infringement, through BBC employees and Kabbalah members,
Russell Davies and Billie Piper (Madonna’s protégé), aimed at
vindictively targeting and maligning the award winning family. The family at no
time did anything to Madonna, Davies or Piper, not knowing any of them, yet
acting in concert with Madonna, they began to place items from Aisha’s
preexisting Copyrighted Catalog and astonishingly her personal life as well, in
his BBC scripts.
Davies infringed Aisha’s copyrights for select episodes of the BBC shows
“Doctor Who” and “Torchwood” and additionally, included Aisha’s
personal, identifying information unique to her, in his scripts. These items
were obtained through hacking by the staff of Davies, who has
visited Aisha’s official websites, before and after the misconduct transpired,
as attested by Traffic Facts site statistics software, has followed Madonna’s
lead and taken broadcasting to an unprecedented low in Britain for the
“Children of Earth” five part series on the “Torchwood” program he
writes for. The “Children of Earth” broadcast not only includes items from
preexisting, protected items from Aisha’s computers, using it for the main
storyline of the 5 part miniseries, it also includes Aisha’s mother’s name
“MILLIE” as a character, a variation of AISHA’s name in the
script as a character named “MISHA”, a look-alike character that is
the spitting image of Aisha’s sister, casting the character as a girl who is
maliciously exploited and thrown in prison, the name CLEMENT mcDOnalD,
a variation of the name CLEMENT DODD, appears in the script as an elderly
character (CLEMENT DODD is Aisha’s aforementioned godmother’s
husband, who invented reggae music and signed Bob Marley to his first record
deal). There is also a character named MR. DEKKER, which is the real name
of one of CLEMENT DODD’s legendary, award winning, international reggae
recording colleagues and Aisha’s dad’s late friend, MR. DESMOND DEKKER.
The CLEMENT and DEKKER names were cast as psychotic, despised,
crazy characters running from aliens, which is disrespectful to the memory of
the two, real, beloved, legendary Jamaican national heroes in the music field,
which the names were distastefully taken from, in a racist manner by Russell
Davies and Madonna’s Kabbalah. Other invasive items that infringe Aisha’s
preexisting copyrights were included in select episodes of Russell Davies’
show “Doctor Who.”
Other members of Madonna’s Kabbalah such as Sacha Baron Cohen, have been outed
using real people for characters in TV shows and movies, such as “Ali G”
being based on BBC radio disc jockey Tim Westwood and 2009’s Austrian
character “Bruno” being illegally based on Austrian TV personality Alfons Haider. In 2009, Madonna’s partner and Kabbalah member, Jerry Bruckheimer was
also sued for perversely basing a defamatory episode of “CSI” on a real live
couple that owns a Los Angeles real estate firm, Scott and Melinda Tamkin, with
the show using their real names and lives for the broadcast without permission,
but defaming them as reckless people participating in sexual bondage,
pornography, drunkenness and murder, in similar conduct to what Aisha had
formally accused Bruckheimer of in her 2005 lawsuit against Madonna.
Since the filing of the lawsuit several weeks ago, I have discovered my
teenage godbrother's privacy and that of his mother, who live in South Florida
in America, were violated during the case, as he, his mother and I, exchange
emails very often and speak on the phone regularly, which was illegally
Anthony Pellicano style (Madonna's private investigator, whom I gave
the FBI detailed information about in 2005 and he was later arrested and
convicted on wiretapping charges -
see lawsuit for more information).
During one of the many hacks into my computer, which were traced back to
who is the web hosting company for Madonna's official website, not
only was my very valuable preexisting copyrighted catalog copied and then
infringed by Madonna and her cohorts in Hollywood, my emails, both business and
personal, were illegally copied, as mentioned in the lawsuit.
As stated in the lawsuit and mentioned above in the excerpt, Madonna's Kabbalah
member, homosexual Russell Davies (and his "Doctor Who" actress, Madonna protégé
and Kabbalah cult member, Billie Piper) infringed preexisting
copyrights belonging to me, for select episodes of "Torchwood" and "Doctor Who"
and additionally included items in the script, such as the names of my family
members and friends in the "Children Of Earth" 5-part miniseries on "Torchwood."

Recently, I saw a bio page for the
program "Skins." The homosexual father and son team of Bryan
Elsley and Jamie Brittain, who are the writers and creators of the
extremely dysfunctional and distasteful teen show "Skins" was mentioned in conjunction with Madonna's Kabbalah member Russell Davies. The article stated
Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain used to work
for Russell Davies. They are also Davies' BBC co-workers.
Now, imagine my horror and repulsion, when I scrolled down the character list for the show "Skins"
and see my godbrother's name "JJ Jones" listed as a character (his
first name is John, but his family and friends call him "JJ").
Imagine my horror
again, when I read about the character and realize said character not only has my godbrother's name,
mimicking the sick conduct Madonna/Davies did to my family, but also infringes his image and likeness as well. This infringing
character was created when my godbrother was 17-years-old. He is now 19.
Things the character on "Skins" has in common with my godbrother
"JJ Jones":
1. The name "JJ Jones"
2. 17-years of age
3. Wears braces
4. Grew his hair out a bit (his mom kept commenting on it, as she wanted him to
cut it)
5. Lives with his mom a single parent
6. A very smart student
7. Hangs out often with his two best friends
8. Has a penchant for drinking Tropicana (an American, Florida brand of fruit juice that
amazingly appears in a British show)
How does the BBC explain, how people connected to Madonna via Kabbalah, not
only wound up in criminal possession of an illegally made copy of my Copyrighted Catalog, infringing items
from it via using them without permission, but said characters in the infringing
programs, now mysteriously have my mother's name MILLIE, a
variation of my name AISHA ("MISHA"), a look alike character that looks a great
deal like my sister, the name of my godmother's husband who invented reggae
music CLEMENT DODD (turned into the variant name "CLEMENT mcDOnalD") and his
colleague, the late reggae legend, DESMOND DEKKER's name used as "MR.
the programming (Note: My dad interviewed
Desmond Dekker's family on his radio show, listened to by millions around the world, shortly before
Russell Davies did this invasive madness) and now my godbrother's name, image
and likeness, appears along with the other infringements, as characters penned by these same writers, Russell
Bryan Elsley
and Jamie Brittain.
Let's not forget, prior to this, the BBC called my dad, a renowned
musicologist, twice in Jamaica for
interviews on famous public figures that are friends of the family. I kept wondering
how they got his number. They also interviewed my aunt, an award winning author,
Lorna Goodison, prior to all this as well.
Therefore, the BBC does know my family. Not to mention, the BBC has come up
in my website stats numerous
times, before and after these incidents regarding Russell Davies,
Bryan Elsley
and Jamie Brittain transpired.
It's bad enough for Madonna and co. to violate my privacy, but while their invasiveness was going
on, she and her comrades at the BBC, invaded the privacy of my sister and godbrother, who were minors at the time this unlawful activity began. That
is absolutely criminal.
I am also of the belief, they found out what my sister looks like and based the
aforementioned "Torchwood" character on her ("Lois" from Torchwood's "Children
of Earth), via photos I had taken of her at the airport, that I emailed
to her in Jamaica, after I extracted them from the card of my digital camera.
"Lois" from Torchwood's "Children of Earth" looks like my
sister. I asked my mom and another relative to look at the picture and tell me
what they think and they said she does look like her (except, my sister usually
has her hair straight - however, in the photos that I took of her at the airport
and emailed to her, she had the front of her hair braided):

Violating the privacy of minors is a very serious crime. Turning two minors,
that are private citizens, into characters on TV, at the request of a sick,
devilish pop star, Madonna, invading innocent people's privacy and harassing
others, as she is psychopathic and obsessed
out of her non-singing mind, is disgusting and nasty.
Russell Davies,
Bryan Elsley
and Jamie Brittain, have also added other very defamatory and
sick items to the characters lives, based on my sister and godbrother, that are
more than enough grounds for criminal charges and a lawsuit.
Once again, Madonna and co. have gone too far. The worst part in all this is,
we are innocent people that have nothing to do with Madonna or her lunatic
Kabbalah cult members like Davies.
And I promise you, all that are involved in committing this foul, nasty
misconduct on those shows, that criminally invaded the privacy of minors, will see the inside of a
prison cell before this is all over. You have my word on it.
Do, pray tell, what did my young sister and godbrother do to you? They are
two good, decent, hardworking kids that make great grades in school and are
trying to live their lives.
How did they deserve for a group of vile, despicable, perverted lunatics to
invade their privacy and beam their lives, image, likeness and in my
godbrother's case, his actual name, around the world (his mom's distinct last
name that is different from his, was also used for a Russell Davies' TV character
on "Torchwood").
Do stand up like men, albeit cowardly homosexual men, obsessed with
underage boys and girls - and tell the world what my young sister and godbrother,
who do not even know you at all, nor do I, did to you that they deserve this
criminal nastiness and invasiveness you've done in conjunction with your fellow Kabbalah
cult member Madonna. You must be so proud of yourselves spying on and
picking on underage youths, you perverts.
Really, what if I took the low road, as Madonna has done once again and cast
a character in one of my scripts with her daughter's name, writing that the
12-year-old girl is to be dressed like an underage prostitute, trying to be sexy
for the camera. Oh wait,
Madonna has done that to her daughter
already for her latest video, trying to shock people for

Russell Davies,
Bryan Elsley
and Jamie Brittain, what if I pen a script, casting your respective parents'
names, image and likeness, as characters that molest kids and pee on them in
the woods, as singer Elton John was accused of doing, by the Sun Newspaper UK. How
would you feel about that.
I can get their names off Wikipedia if you'd like
(and knowing Wikipedia, there is a 99% probability the names would be wrong,
But I wouldn't do something like that. Because at the end of the day, one has
to ask one's self, what kind of sick people do things like that, you know, as
you have done to my innocent family and I, who've done you no harm.
Once again, if the shiftless, useless, corrupt FBI had done their jobs from
2005, when they first received the case, those depraved animals could not have
taken things to such sick levels, causing irreparable damage to innocent people,
including minors, as mentioned above.
And the FBI wonders why I have nothing positive to write about them. Take a
good look at that mess, as two young people have now been harmed, because you
decided to let a foul, vile, dirty old pop star that audiences don't even care
about anymore, run loose with this madness, committing crime after crime,
against innocent people, so she and Hollywood could criminally rip me off, as my
Copyrighted Catalog is very valuable.
Then again, I shouldn't be surprised that the FBI doesn't care about kids, as
it was widely reported, the FBI
told the parents of missing children to buzz
off. You call that law enforcement. You are such unmitigated failures at what you
do. Hands down, the worst law enforcement agency ever.