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Madonna Begging Young Stars To Date Her And Offering To Pay Them

December 5. 2020

Ugly Madonna

Desperate, delusional Madonna has refused to accept that her career is over. She's finished. Completely washed up. Hollywood also wants her gone for all the embarrassment, shame and loss she has brought them with her sick Kabbalah cult. Madonna's sales have long dried up (much like her face) and Hollywood has no use for her.

Other artists of Madonna's age group have still been doing well, but not her. However, audiences don't despise them, but they can't stand Madonna, which is evident by scathing comments all over social networking.

Isn't it ironic that newer artists who don't have much money to buy lots of publicity are getting so much attention on social networking and in feedback sections of pop culture sites, including big blogs. Yet, Madonna keeps buying millions in ads and bribes, but people aren't paying her any attention.

Madonna is embarking on recording another album (that is going to flop, as they've all been doing for 20-years LOL), getting more plastic surgery (that will again leave her uglier as it always does), and is pursuing young stars to leech off their popularity.

Madonna is up to her old tricks again, in offering young stars money and career favors to date her for publicity to promote her forthcoming flop. She is also offering money and career favors to young celebrities if they will promote her to their social networking audiences. The problem is they do not want to be publicly seen with her and have branded her weird and crazy to other people in the industry.

Madonna continues to be of the insane opinion that she can leech off young artists and it will make her popular with younger audiences. However, Madonna has no talent, is ugly and evil. Young audiences have not and will not embrace her. Every time she tries to trend on Twitter (via artificial means) for attention (which she is addicted to), other users of the social networking site send waves of hatred, insults and curse words to her account. It gets so bad that she has to delete her tweets.

This is what happens when someone with no talent becomes a celebrity. Once they are no longer young and can't convincingly use sex to sell music or films, there is no talent to carry their careers. Coupled with the fact the world has discovered Madonna is a very evil person, she holds absolutely no appeal for audiences at all. Hence everything she releases flopping. She deserves for that to happen to her, as her entire career is a fake.


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