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Justin Bieber Spotted In Hooters Restaurant Again Upsetting Adults

The Presence Of The Underage Singer Does Not Sit Well With Adults

September 17. 2011

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

17-year-old pop star, Justin Bieber, has proven the Judiciary Report's point again, regarding him growing up too fast. Adults were upset at his presence at a Hooters restaurant, famous for waitresses wearing tight, low cut blouses and very short shorts. This is the second time he has gone to the restaurant in the past year, which is considered a place for adults. 


Justin Bieber at Hooters

Just last month, Bieber was outed for illegally drag racing on a Los Angeles street, which ended in a minor accident. Prior to that incident, he was photographed getting frisky with his 19-year-old girlfriend, actress, Selena Gomez, on a Hawaii beach, during a vacation they spent together, without the supervision of his parents. He is growing up too fast and it inevitably leads to trouble for child stars. It also sets a bad example for impressionable, underage fans.


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