Justice System Fails
- Pedophile R. Kelly Goes Free
Lock Up Your Daughters A
Pedophile Is On The Loose
June 13. 2008

R Kelly, a man that was illegally married to a
15-year-old singer through fraud when he was 28, and according to credible
lawsuits he settled, several articles and witness testimony, is a full fledged
pedophile, walked free from court today, after engaging in underage sex with
young girls.
The jury acquitted him on 14 counts of child
pornography. As
I wrote a month ago, the only reason he
remained free for 6 years, is due to his money, and that same wealth allowed him
to get away with serious crimes and walk free once again. R Kelly himself all but admitted he has a sick
penchant for young girls:
"While police
investigate this latest case of alleged child sex abuse, others want to know
what if anything has been done about other allegations made throughout the years
against Kelly, including another minor, a choir girl who attended Kenwood
A 1996 lawsuit alleged
Kelly "engaged in inappropriate sexual contact with the plaintiff ...
including engaging in group sexual intercourse with the high school freshman
and other minors."
Defending himself
after the case settled for $250,000 Kelly said: "I am not a perfect person."
However, where the justice system failed, God
won’t. You will see God’s punishment in your life for what you’ve done to those
girls. You need to ask Him for forgiveness and mercy, because you will, “Reap
what you sow.”

Several jurors said
one weakness in the prosecution's case was that neither the alleged victim nor
her parents testified. One juror said he just was not sure the female was who
prosecutors said she was or that she was a minor.
One of the jurors says
the decisive issue was the identity of the alleged victim in the sex tape at the
heart of the case. He says the jurors couldn't be sure it was who prosecutors
said it was -- and therefore couldn't be sure if she was underage.
One juror who said he
initially voted to convict said he remained convinced the man on the tape is
Kelly. But he says his doubts grew during deliberations about the identity of
the female.
"What we had wasn't
enough," said the juror, who declined to give his name. Asked by reporters after
the trial who the female in the sex tape was if not the alleged victim, Adam
responded: "If you find that out, let us know."