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How Much Did The FBI Know And When

How Much Did The FBI Know About The Suspects In The London Bombings Before It Happened?

April 16. 2008

Robert "Show Me The Money" Mueller

It was uncovered the FBI knew about some of the suspects in the September 11th bombings in advance, before it happened. Therefore, how much did they know about the suspects in the London bombings before it happened?

I have to ask, as the criminal negligence present in 9/11 left many bewildered, as to why FBI headquarters in Washington stonewalled its own agents that wanted to investigate suspicious people related to the bombings, before it happened.

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds once stated in an interview that FBI headquarters would allow work to pile up, so they could go into Congress and say, look how much work we have, we're falling behind and need more money for additional staff and resources.

Sibel Edmonds

She said she was encouraged at times to do nothing on the job, to create a backlog, that would go as evidence to present in Congress, to ask for more of the nation's hard earned tax dollars for the FBI.

Considering, FBI director Robert Mueller squandered 1 billion dollars in taxpayer money, for a computer system that still hasn't surfaced and is mysteriously plagued with bizarre problems and technical glitches the average computer company would not have experienced, it makes you wonder. Said system keeps requiring more and more congressionally earmarked taxpayer money, when the job at most should have cost roughly $50 million. Once again, it makes you wonder.

Mueller is a man that went so far as to turn in dodgy invoices for exorbitant payments rendered to "miscellaneous" entities for "miscellaneous" services, totaling a few hundred thousand dollars.

Equipment was also missing and unaccounted for (does Mueller have an EBay account). Where exactly is all the FBI's money going, especially in light of all the massive budget increases they keep asking Congress for, at a time the nation needs the money for other things.



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