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Hillary Clinton Is Jealous That Michael Bloomberg Is Running For President

December 2. 2019

Hillary Clinton to Michael Bloomberg: you thought I'd let you get all the attention

Hillary Clinton has always been in a rivalry with her husband, Bill Clinton. The couple met in university and both became lawyers, but Bill's political career took off in a significant way, while Hillary never made it to the top. Bill became governor of Arkansas, then President of the United States. Bill went as high as you can go in American politics.

Bill Clinton campaigned with Hillary in 2016 hoping she'd win, so they could move back to the White House...and he could get another intern (LOL)

Hillary tried to be president and failed twice in very painful defeats to Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination, then to Donald Trump for the presidency, in a loss that left her mentally shaken and medicated. Hillary underestimated both men and suffered staggering losses.

Bloomberg once endorsed Hillary but she has not returned the favor

Now billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who is also a New York resident, has thrown his hat into the ring for the presidency and Hillary is getting competitive again, wanting to do the same. Hillary had many months to join the race, but did not start publicly contemplating it again until Bloomberg made announcements to do so.

Michael Bloomberg, Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton. Hillary is grooming Chelsea to run for president in the future, so she can live vicariously through her, after failing twice to attain the office.

Each time Bloomberg makes a big announcement or move regarding his presidential bid, like clockwork Hillary issues statements trying to divert attention from him and turn the Democratic public conversation back to her potentially running. Bloomberg began running his nationwide political ads recently, which just prompted Hillary to state she will have to make up her mind "really quickly" about entering the race for the presidency. Let it go, Hillary.

Side bar: Hillary keeps stating people are telling her to run. Who are these imaginary people! Let it go, Hillary!


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