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George Bush Can't Travel Abroad For Fear Of Arrest

November 16. 2010

George W. Bush

"The Progressive" website states, former president, George W. Bush, can't travel abroad to many countries, for fear of being arrested on war crimes and torture charges. After all the destruction he has wrought with his lies, leaving bereaved families in America and the Middle East, through deceitful wars, he deserves to be arrested.


How sad that this is the ending legacy of a presidency. America has never had this problem before, where a president fears to tread abroad, due to the crimes against humanity he committed. However, Bush set so many lows during his time in office, his name has devolved into a byword and term of contempt in the world. Ironically, former vice president, Dick Cheney, believes "History is turning" in its opinion of Bush. Get real! Clearly, you've been sniffing too much of that oil you helped Halliburton steal in Iraq and the fumes are eroding your brain. 

There are an estimated 1,000,000 people dead in the Middle East, because of that crooked war you and Bush called, lying to the world about Weapons of Mass Destruction. If you think this world God made is a better place for you having committed that abomination, sending people's children to die over a lie that cost other people their lives, you are an unrepentant, nasty piece of work. And another thing, wipe that  perma-smirk off your face. People have died on two continents. Show some remorse and respect.


Bush Can’t Travel Abroad Without Risking Arrest

Dick Cheney: History "Beginning to Come Around" on Bush



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