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FBI In Trouble Over Anthrax Case
August 6. 2008

FBI headquarters has once again let the American people down.
week I wrote that the public would continue to find out terrible things
about FBI Headquarters in what they are hiding from you, and after a while have
no choice but to close the agency and start with something new, as the current
model has failed too many times in very serious cases. FBI headquarters'
criminal negligence has cost so many families everything.
This week the FBI is under fire for its poor handling of the
worst bio-terror attack on U.S. soil in the Anthrax letters case that occurred
in Florida. First, they accused the wrong person, who sued them and won $6
million dollars for defamation and distress.
Then they found another suspect,
Bruce Ivins,
a man who was right under their noses working for years as a government scientist
in the
U.S. Army base
Fort Detrick in Maryland.
The FBI sat on this case for seven years, waiting so long
that the main suspect,
killed himself, denying families of the victims he allegedly killed, the
opportunity to see justice served in a court of law. Congress is criticizing
Mueller over the case,
"Members of Congress have demanded that Mueller explain why the case
remained unsolved for so long" (link).

Robert Mueller
The FBI are also being accused of acting improperly towards the
accused scientist's family, in
stalking them, offering the man's son "2.5 million" and "a sports car" to rat
him out, while confronting his daughter with photos of the deceased Anthrax
That was harassment. I am all for catching criminals, but not like that. When
you cause innocent people heartache and distress, that is wrong. The FBI is being roundly condemned in many, and I do mean many papers for their
inefficient, lackadaisical, sloppy, criminally negligent investigation into this
terrible case.

The fact of the matter is, if the evidence the FBI has is to be believed,
Bruce Ivins should have been brought in long ago and not allowed to roam the
streets among innocent people. What if he'd flipped out and spontaneously murdered a slew of people, before
the FBI agent trailing him had a chance to stop him. The man had already
allegedly murdered 5 people and injured 17 more.
Why did FBI headquarters think it was a good idea to leave someone
out in the public, who by
their own descriptions released today was,
" A
schizophrenic, psychopathic person."
endangered the public once again via criminal negligence.

Robert Mueller
But this was to be expected of FBI headquarters, helmed by the thoroughly
corrupt George Bush appointee Robert Mueller, who routinely gives FBI field
offices and agents corrupt, questionable instructions that commonly ends in
disaster. How much failure do you intend to rack up before you leave the agency
in shame.
His attitude towards serious cases he can’t be bothered to solve is do
nothing, wait in a criminally neglect fashion until a.) the Defendant murders
the Plaintiff b.) until the Defendant kills themself – then case
As much as FBI headquarters loves to tell you it’s changed, that’s a crock. They
did the same to Martin Luther King jr during the civil rights era, in doing
absolutely nothing in the way of crime prevention, though an innocent man’s life was in jeopardy. But as the
Bible says, “The stone the builder’s rejected as worthless turned out to be the
most important one." The FBI has never been able to wash away public scorn and
condemnation regarding how they treated King.
This Anthrax case is another black mark on the agency regarding its "do
nothing" policy. Look how much evidence the agency has been sitting on, from
emails showing misconduct to a matching flask containing the same strain of
anthrax that killed the victims. They had probable cause to arrest him long ago,
but didn't. The FBI sat there and let the victims' families suffer for years.

More and more, incidents are coming out of
American citizens having to
hire their own investigators to solve cases the FBI is dragging their
feet on, causing victims incalculable personal, financial and professional loss.
How is it right or legal that Mueller does this.
When criminals see the FBI taking years to bring charges, they view it as
clearance to do even worse to the public, believing they will never be brought
to justice.
As a victim of crime the FBI allowed to suffer
two attempted murder incidents,
10 minutes away from the Miami FBI's office, that were it not for the grace of
God, would have claimed my life,
at the hands of an individual the FBI knows has been commissioning crimes in
violation of U.S. federal law, I know all too well how they fail victims. They
don't care.
My family and I were left to suffer
unspeakably wicked human
rights abuses and lost a fortune in assets, because of Robert Mueller,
who violated FBI rules and the Constitution at our expense. I'm sure the
several hundred thousand people per month that read my websites would love to
know why you've knowingly allowed such terrible, vicious, human rights abuses,
reminiscent of slavery, to continually transpire against an innocent, black
immigrant family, when it was in your power to stop it.
People from just about every major government in the world, many international
and domestic law enforcement agencies and just about every walk of life, have
been reading
about your conduct. Therefore, what would you say to them as to why you've
disgraced the Constitution and the FBI.

This is a warning to people domestically and internationally, you’d do well
to be very careful of Robert Mueller. He betrays innocent victims all the time. You cannot take
him at face value, as the FBI
has a preset agenda delegated by him at headquarters in Washington, where justice
is often not the goal. Budgetary funding and money is the order of the day,
therefore certain
crimes are not in his best interest to prevent
FBI headquarters let 9/11 happen, by stonewalling their own FBI agents, when
the agency could have prevented it. This is one of many shameful instances
illustrating the severity of the criminal negligence that exists at

FBI headquarters (why is it so close to the street)
They will let terrible cases get to boiling point and beyond, before they
give their agents clearance to do anything, and usually by then it's too late.
Do not trust him, and do not expect him to do the right thing, as the agency
via his instruction, is so steeped in corruption and bureaucracy, that despite
some agents best efforts, justice is continually thwarted.
is after all the same man president Bush used to spy on Americans in
violation of the Patriot Act in
a story I broke first. They do not work on behalf of Americans or world citizens. They work on
behalf of
the president’s interests,
however corrupt they may be, and for
rich and famous American corporations.
This criminal negligence is going to lead to another 9/11 if
Congress does not intervene and overhaul the agency, as they are still doing the
very things they did when said terrible terrorist attack happened.
Anthrax widow's lawsuit blames US for death
6 hours ago - MIAMI (AP) — The widow of a tabloid photo editor
who died in the 2001 anthrax attacks insisted in a $50 million federal lawsuit
filed years ago that the U.S. government was ultimately responsible for his
Now that the FBI is pinning the blame on government
scientist Bruce Ivins, the lawsuit brought by Maureen Stevens looks
positively clairvoyant. And results of the FBI investigation could have a
major effect on the outcome of her case.
"We were right all along," Patrick Hogan, the
son-in-law of Maureen and the late Robert Stevens, said in a telephone interview
Tuesday. "It seems to me it's pretty much a slam dunk."
Two years later, Maureen Stevens filed her
lawsuit. In it, she claims the U.S. government was negligent because it failed
to safeguard strains of the deadly anthrax bacteria at the U.S. Army disease
research center at Fort Detrick, Md...
He noted that another scientist wrongly implicated
by the FBI in the plot, Steven Hatfill, recently was paid $5.8 million to settle
his lawsuit against the Justice Department. "It's been a long road for this family," Schuler
said. "I hope somebody who has some authority will call us and make it right
with this family."
FBI used aggressive tactics in anthrax probe
In the current case, Ivins complained privately
that FBI agents had offered his son, Andy, $2.5 million, plus "the sports car of
his choice" late last year if he would turn over evidence implicating his father
in the anthrax attacks, according to a former U.S. scientist who described
himself as a friend of Ivins.
Ivins also said the FBI confronted Ivins' daughter,
Amanda, with photographs of victims of the anthrax attacks and told her, "This
is what your father did," according to the scientist, who spoke only on
condition of anonymity because their conversation was confidential. The scientist said Ivins was angered by the FBI's
alleged actions, which he said included following Ivins' family on shopping
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