Diddy Hits Drake In Miami Sending Him To The
Hospital Over Girlfriend Cassie
8. 2014

Drake to Diddy: How's your girl Cassie!
New York rapper Diddy once said, "I'll smack flames
out your as*." Well, this time he did it. Diddy and fellow rapper,
Drake, were at club LIV in Miami on Sunday, when a dispute broke
out. Diddy was seen slapping Drake outside the club. Some state it
is over Drake flirting with Diddy's woman, Cassie (as first reported
on the Media Take Out website). Others state it is something else.

Drake regarding Diddy: he "smacked flames out of my as*"
Social networking made fun of Drake all day when the
news broke early this morning. The memes on the fight have people in
stitches. Speaking of stitches, Drake went to the hospital after his
run-in with Diddy. Some reports indicate Drake sustained a
dislocated shoulder, which is something, considering Diddy targeted
his pretty face.

Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown
Chris Brown, who on Saturday accused Drake of
going on secret dates with his long-term girlfriend, Karrueche Tran,
while the singer was in jail for 4-months, responded to news of
Diddy hitting him, by posting two snake emoticons on Instagram.
There is a problem there between Drake and Chris Brown, who is still

Chris Brown responds to a post on Instagram about rapper Diddy
hitting Drake
Something weird is going on with Drake. Two women
came forward stating he and his entourage threatened them. He
remained silent on the accusations. Drake almost got into a fight on
his birthday at a strip club and refused to address allegations
regarding it. When Brown accused him of going on secret dates with
Karrueche, again Drake remained silent. Now word has spread of Diddy
hitting him and once again, no comment from Drake.
Chris Brown Slams Karrueche Tran On Instagram Over Drake And
Threesomes Confirming This Site's Previous Claims And Causing A New
Problem For Rihanna (Video)
Chris Brown's Girlfriend Talks About Their Relationship While Drake
Blames Him For His Break Up With Rihanna
Rapper Tyga Hacks
Chyna's Twitter Account Out Of Revenge For Rival Drake Trying To
Have Sex With Her
Drake Accused Of Threatening The Life Of Second Woman Triggering
Another Police Investigation (Picture)
Karrueche Tran Posts Photo With Chris Brown After Cheating
Allegations And Video Surfaces (Video)
Drake Tries To
Beat Up Tyga's Entourage For Attacking His DJ (Video)
Drake Disses Chris
Brown On Stage (Video) |