Charlie Sheen's
Porn Star Ex-Girlfriends State He Did Not Tell Them He Is HIV
Positive Before Having Sex With Them For A Year
November 18. 2015

Charlie Sheen
After Charlie Sheen's interview with Matt Lauer on
the "Today Show" where he confirmed he is HIV positive and
informed all his sex partners prior to having sexual intercourse
with them, some are going on record publicly
disagreeing the Hollywood actor's claims.
Porn stars Sheen had sex with on
a daily basis, such as Bree Olson and Natalie Kenly, have come
forward complaining he never told them he is HIV positive, but
had sex with them anyway when they lived with him for a year.
Olson stated she had "high risk sex" with Sheen for a
year, using less secure "lambskin condoms" that
provide no protection against HIV. Olson stated on occasion
she had sex with Sheen without any protection at all.
Olson stated in response to Sheen's claims he told his sex
partners he is HIV positive, "Bulls**t! "He doesn't even value
my life...if someone goes without knowing, and there's plenty of
girls I'm sure he's had in his life where they don't go get
tested regularly like I do with the types of lives that they
lead. When it turns into AIDS then it turns into a whole
different ballgame.
I haven't even thought about anything, but
all I know right now is now because of him anytime someone hears
my name they think of HIV right next to it." Sheen does not know
exactly when he contracted the virus or from whom.
In many U.S. states it is illegal to have sex with someone and not inform them
prior to sexual intercourse that one is HIV positive. People have been
prosecuted and imprisoned in America for said conduct (Athlete Who Spread HIV To Unknowing Sexual Partners Sentenced To
60-Years In Prison). You can't gamble with people's
lives like that. They deserve the right to know your status.

Natalie Kenly, Charlie Sheen
and Bree Olson
Sheen also made misleading claims during the "Today Show"
interview stating his HIV viral load is so low and
"undetectable" it was deemed okay for him to have
sex under the supervision of his physician. "Today Show" host
Matt Lauer did correct him on said statements, citing CDC
information regarding changing viral loads and the possibility
of transmission to uninfected people.
Sheen and his doctor's
statements are grossly misleading and dangerous. Even with a low
or "undetectable" viral load, one can still pass the HIV virus
on to others during
unprotected sex or protected sex (accidents happen, condoms
tear and slip). The risk is lower, but make no mistake, it still
exists. It is wrong to go on television and make such dangerous
claims that others will follow to their detriment and that of
public health in general.
Sheen is actually having unprotected sex with people and
making the dangerous claim his viral load is too low to transmit
HIV, which is wrong. It can happen, even with the use of
medicines such as Truvada, meant to decrease a healthy person's
chances of contracting HIV from a known carrier (however, the
makers of Truvada do not endorse unprotected sex).
Not to
mention, exposure to HIV positive bodily fluids negatively
affects the immune system of health people, regardless of how
low the viral load (the disease is still present, but in a
weakened form).
Charlie Sheen's Ex-Girlfriend
Bree Olson Claims He Never Told Her He Is HIV-Positive
November 17, 2015 9:13 AM PST - Charlie Sheen admitted he was
diagnosed with HIV on the Today show Tuesday morning and said he
informed ex-wives Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller in 2011.
The Two and a Half Men star also said he told any and all
partners of his diagnosis prior to engaging in sexual acts with
them, but now ex-girlfriend and "goddess" Bree Olson said that's
"bulls--t" because she claimed she had no idea on The Howard
Stern Show.
"He doesn't even value my life...if someone goes without
knowing, and there's plenty of girls I'm sure he's had in his
life where they don't go get tested regularly like I do with the
types of lives that they lead," said Olson, who said she had
high-risk sex with Sheen, who used lambskin condoms. "When it turns into AIDS then it turns into a whole different
Host Howard Stern asked her if she's going to confront him
about the news, but Olson said she has been too upset to focus
on anything. "I haven't even thought about anything, but all I know right
now is now because of him anytime someone hears my name they
think of HIV right next to it," she said.
But Sheen told Matt Lauer that since his diagnosis he has had
unprotected sex with only two women but insisted they were
seeking medical attention to make sure everything was safe. "The
two people that I did it with were under the care of my doctor
and they were completely warned ahead of time," Sheen explained...
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