Boris Becker's Promiscuity In Knocking Up
Waitress In Restaurant Broom Closet Led To His $25,000,000
June 24. 2017

Boris Becker
German tennis legend, Boris Becker, was
declared bankrupt by the court in London, England this week,
losing $25,000,000, after knocking up a waitress in a broom
closet of a restaurant in Britain. Becker, who became drunk
after a loss on the court, had sex in a closet with Russian
model, Angela Ermokova, at London's famed celebrity
restaurant Nobu.
It resulted in a costly pregnancy for Becker,
due to Ermokova, who was wrong to have sex with a drunk man.
It's regrettable that happened to Becker, as under the law,
drunk people can't give consent. It was exploitive on
Ermokova's end, as she became pregnant, which was clearly
the goal. Ermokova was also wrong to contact Becker's wife,
Barbara, who is the mother of his two boys, telling her
about the pregnancy. That's a cruel thing to do to another
woman. The intent was to break up the marriage and it

Barbara Becker and Boris Becker in the
Barbara, who lives in Miami, left him over
the affair with Ermokova and took $15,000,000 in a divorce
settlement, in addition to a multi-million dollar condo in
Miami and monthly alimony and child support payments. Boris
refused to have a relationship with or marry Ermokova after
what transpired. She then took him to court. Boris ended up
having to pay Ermokova a $2,500,000 lump sum and $30,000 per
month in child support, due to court proceedings. The
figured is determined by one's income. Boris' sexual affair
effectively wiped out his personal fortune.
A man fathering a child by another woman
during a relationship or marriage is a huge issue for many
women. It often leads to break-ups, as it is simply too much
for a woman to bear. The fact the person you love created
another human being with someone else, during the
relationship or marriage, is indefensible and very offensive
to women. It has traumatized many women, who were cheated on
in this manner. After all, how would a man feel if the woman
he loves became pregnant by another man, due to cheating
during a relationship or marriage. Men have become enraged
over that.

Angela Ermakova and Anna Ermakova
Becker came to regret the affair with
Ermokova, as it led to the end of his marriage with the
woman he loves and the beginning of his bankruptcy, touching
off a series of detrimental financial events he blames her
for to this day. Becker stated in court that the sexual
affair with Ermokova was "the most expensive five seconds of
my life" for which he has massive regrets.
Ermokova trapped the rich and famous Becker
in 1999 with sex in a closet, knowing what it could breed
and did - a daughter. Ermokova also damaged her future
daughter, Anna Ermokova, in the process, as the Imagine how his
daughter felt growing up hearing those jokes. She didn't ask
for that or to be born under such scandalous circumstances,
but it was her mother's doing. Ana often looks so sad in

Anna Ermakova
Becker is a great tennis player, but sadly
the broom closet sex incident has eclipsed his entire
career. It is much like the story of American singer, Lionel
Richie, cheating on his wife, Brenda, who found out and beat
him and his mistress with a frying pan. As great a talent as
Richie is, he became the butt of many jokes for years over
the incident, as many people remember him to this day for
the frying pan beatdown his wife handed out, due to his
Some men are too trusting and also fail to
control their sexual urges. It can lead to financial
disaster, public embarrassment and the destruction of their
health. No one is too special for the negative consequences
of poor decisions catching up with them. However, fame fools
many people into thinking nothing bad can happen to them,
when no one is exempt from trouble.

Boris Becker and family after Wimbledon
win in London, England
Life is about making the best choices you can
and with a clear conscience. If your instincts and
conscience are telling you something is wrong or will lead
to trouble, do not do it. If in your soul you are having
doubts about trusting someone or engaging in an act, listen
to your instincts. You could be headed for a disastrous
situation with lifelong consequences.
Boris Becker's 'five second sex' in a cupboard has
cost him his fortune
22 Jun 2017, 07:46 - Tennis legend Boris
Becker, who inadvertently blew £20m ($25m) after
impregnating a Russian model in a broom cupboard of a
restaurant, has now seen his fortune whittled down to the
point of bankruptcy. Three-time Wimbledon champion Boris
Becker was declared bankrupt at a court in London yesterday
(21 June) despite having earned an estimated £100m during
his stellar career on court and in the commentary box.
The German, 49, famously conceived a
child in 1998 with Angela Ermokova after they had sex in the
broom cupboard of Nobu restaurant in London, where they had
only just met. Becker subsequently had to pay the model a
lump sum of £2m and monthly maintenance payments of £25,000
for the child, according to the Times. Their daughter is now
That brief dalliance also cost him his
marriage – his first wife Barbara was pregnant with their
second child at the time – she reportedly settled for £11m
and the family home when they split. Becker would later
describe the encounter with Ermokova and the ensuing
financial damage as the "most expensive five seconds of my
life" – or £20m, by his own estimate...