Bobby Brown Wants His Daughter Bobbi
Kristina To Star In A Film About His Life
But Will She
March 17. 2012
Bobbi Kristina Brown and Whitney Houston
Today, Radar Online reported, singer Bobby Brown, wants
his daughter, Bobby Kristina Brown, to star in a biopic of his life
titled "The Bad Boy of R&B: The Bobby Brown Story." Brown originally had
no takers for the film treatment on his life story, which was co-written
by Michael Pinckney, but now that Bobbi Kristina's mother Whitney
Houston has passed, he believes there will be renewed interest.

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown
If you remember correctly, two weeks ago, the Judiciary
Report stated Bobbi Kristina should star in the planned biopic of her
life, rather than Rihanna or Jordan Sparks, whose names were being
floated (Hollywood Questions Who Will Play Whitney Houston In Biopic).
Bobby Brown
However, as Bobby and Bobbi's relationship is currently
strained, this may not be something she is interested in. She looks like
her dad, but takes after her mom in mannerisms and her view on life.
Lastly, due to the fact Brown walked out on his ex-wife's funeral last
month, with people continually blaming him for her downward spiral when
she was alive, a film of his life will not be extremely popular.

Bobby Brown, Bobbi Kristina Brown and Whitney
The Houston biopic will have an audience and if done
correctly, could be a cultural hit, as were the films on musical stars
such as Tina Turner and the Jackson family.
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