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 An Episode Of The Big Bang Theory Featured A Similar Movie Theater Plot To The Batman Dark Knight Rises Killings In Colorado

July 28. 2012

"The Dark Knight Rises" starring Christian Bale

As mentioned on the site previously, there are similarities between mass murderer, James Holmes, who killed 12 people and injured 58, during a midnight showing of the Batman sequel "The Dark Knight Rises" and the television character, Sheldon Cooper, from "The Big Bang Theory" (Similarities Between Batman 'The Dark Knight Rises' Cinema Killer James Holmes And Character Sheldon Cooper On 'The Big Bang Theory'). Both "The Dark Knight Rises" and "The Big Bang Theory" are also produced by Warner Bros. 

Sheldon Cooper from the show "The Big Bang Theory" wearing a Batman shirt

However, last night I discovered, there was an older episode of "The Big Bang Theory" titled "21 Second Excitation" which took place before the Colorado shootings, which featured the television character Sheldon Cooper, waiting to see a science fiction film late at night, then becoming disgruntled and sneaking into the movie theater through a side door (emergency exit). A mob scene ensues with a stampede/riot, chasing after Cooper. 

Scientist, James Holmes, who resembles television scientist "Sheldon Cooper" killed 12 people and injured 58 at a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises"

As you now know, shooter Holmes went to the movie theater to see the science fiction film Batman "The Dark Knight Rises" then snuck out and back in through a side door (emergency exit) before murdering a dozen people in cold blood, including a six-year-old child. This too caused a stampede, as in the "Big Bang Theory" episode.


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