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Abusive Perez Hilton Costs Queen Her Crown Perez Gets Nasty At Pageant
Gossip blogger, Perez Hilton, being the mean, vile, woman hating homosexual he is, insulted and verbally abused Miss California, during the Miss USA pageant, for politely answering his question on gay marriage by stating, she believes marriage is between a man and a woman. Her answer drew applause from the audience, as most people define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, but Perez once again, conducted himself very poorly. Perez, unprovoked, went on to call Miss California a "dumb bi*ch." This is exactly what I have been referring to regarding Hollywood homosexuals - they are unbalanced, very abusive and extremely vindictive. Hollywood gays that exploit the media and corporate connections, to abuse and attempt to destroy people, who respectfully disagree with their lifestyle.
Perez Hilton They hide behind homosexuality, screaming everyone is violating their rights, yet go off on unprovoked, nasty tangents, verbally abusing people with terms like "dumb bi*ch" then vengefully cost them awards, accolades, their jobs and sometimes their property, for their personal views. Who is really violating whose rights, then. They will crazily and vindictively call around to get you dropped from jobs, harass and abuse you on the street and at your place of business, get in your face, scream obscenities at you, then try to decimate your livelihood. That's when they are not crossing all lines of international decency and humanity, attempting to destroy an entire nation of people. It is very hard to respect or esteem people that behave in such a destructive, hateful, vindictive manner towards others that disagree with their personal choices. It is juvenile and constitutes human rights abuses.
Perez and co. are also the deviants that have been spearheading
the push behind the
boycott, arrogantly picking fights on America's behalf,
causing international disputes, that Jamaican gays even
denounced, in attacking a smaller country once again and using a
politician that works for the government to do so,
The President himself, John McCain and Hillary Clinton all stated on the campaign trail that they are against gay marriage and define the institution as between a man and a woman. America is 70% Christian and Christianity forbids gay marriage. Tens of thousands of gays have been assaulted, thousands killed in America, where you live, yet you've (Hollywood gays) glossed over all that to attack and vilify Jamaica. What's wrong with this picture. Hollywood gays, who abuse their posts and violate the law, both domestic and international (treaties), in their crazy zeal to destroy people that disagree with them, do the homosexual community no favors. Most religions, the sum total accounting for billions of people, forbid homosexuality, let alone gay marriage. You need to learn to respect people's religious beliefs and stop behaving like uncouth monsters, when people politely try to agree to disagree. It is going to cause the general public to turn on you and your cause, as your conduct towards others is outright ugly. If this is how you are going to behave, the world should boycott products by gays in Hollywood. STORY SOURCE Perez Hilton to Miss California: Sorry I called you a dumb b***h Perez Hilton apologized today for calling Miss California a "dumb bi*ch" for her response to his question about same-sex marriage at the Miss USA pageant Sunday night...But he was REALLY ticked off last night when, on live TV, to his face, Miss California, Carrie Prejean, said that marriage should be between a man and a woman... Good For Miss California posted April 20, 2009 - So now the Miss America pageant is the next place to discuss gay marriage. Miss California is asked by judge Perez Hilton, an openly gay gossip blogger, if she is in favor of gay marriage. She stated that she was raised to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, but in our country one is free to choose their partner. Suddenly there is a cat fight between a few of the other "queens" in the audience after the pageant. They cannot believe that Miss California is given first runner up status because of her views. Since when did 'how' you answer a question determine your right to win? It should not have been about the content of her answer and whether the judges agreed or not. And since when do we live in a pink Nazi society that sensors free speech. She can have that view. More than 60% of Americans, despite what certain lobbyists tell you, believe in marriage as defined as one man and one woman. So good for Miss California. There is at least one young lady in the taffeta state of California that still holds to her morals and does not sacrifice them for a crown. Shame on the Miss California pageant organization for chastising her for her opinion. RELATED ARTICLES |
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