Who Really Pays The Price When
The FBI Goes Into Britain And Fraudulently Demands
Assistance In Illegal Plots Costing The British
Taxpayers Millions
The British Taxpayers, That's Who!
August 4. 2021

Left to right: former President Barack Obama, former FBI Director James Comey
and former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller ran illegal operations in Britain that
broke US and UK laws
This is a continuation of the
article "The
FBI Illegally Went Into Britain, Threatened British
Adults And Children's Lives And Criminally Meddled
In The NHS And Premier League With The Assistance Of
Select Tory Politicians." In the article I
described how the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) fraudulently went into Britain and committed
sick crimes for political and financial gain, in
conduct illegal in the UK and US. It was done in a
clandestine manner, as it was completely illegal and
Under former British Prime Minister,
David Cameron, who like a big forehead sissy and
cat, was following the orders of then FBI director
and nazi Robert Mueller, and then his
protégé James Comey, in setting up a task force in
Britain at a cost of £2,000,000 for surveillance
that proved absolutely fruitless, as it turned up
nothing, making it a waste of the British taxpayers'
money and Met police time.
The FBI knew the request to the Met
Police was fraudulent but they needed the Met Police
to keep track of people for them that the U.S.
federal agency have been criminally targeting for
financial and political gain (all forbidden under
U.S. congressional law).
The FBI went into Britain and
threatened the lives of innocent British elderly
people and children alike, demanding they cooperate
in Mueller and Comey's criminal madness against
innocent people on British shores. The FBI behaved
like the SS police under Hitler.
FBI agents went into Britain and
engaged in unlawful wiretapping, phone hacking,
computer hacking, stalking, death threats,
harassment, trespassing at homes and schools, and
unlawful entry into properties to do illegal
searches and seizure of items, while property owners
were not present.
The FBI, under false pretenses, even
unlawfully approached British children on school
grounds, because their relatives were/are targets of
illegal surveillance by the deranged, disgraced law
enforcement agency. And trust me, when the FBI goes
on a campus, it is always for illegal reasons
here and
Considering how many FBI agents have
been caught engaging in sex crimes, including
pedophilia, this is particularly alarming (click
here and
here and
here and
here and
here and
here and
Now I ask, is it fair to the
innocent British taxpayers that ended up
underwriting to the tune of £2,000,000 the vile,
insidious and corrupt conduct of two FBI officials,
who have shown themselves to be human garbage and
the scum of the earth, in doing things such as
stealing intellectual property and
willfully looking the other way to the crimes of
pedophiles (click
here and
here and
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