Website Hack
Criminally Commissioned By Madonna
August 27. 2021

My computers and
this site were hacked again by
Madonnas' three hackers. It's disgusting
that in America, a land that prides itself of free
speech and free press, trash like Madonna is so
openly and brazenly violating the U.S. Constitution
and U.S. Code in criminally taking away others right
to free speech.
It's quite sick and a disgrace. She
is an embarrassment. She's spending money on hackers
to break into people's computers and sites like a
completely pathetic, degenerate old madwoman. Her
career is dead because of it yet the old fool keeps
doing this.
One of these days they are going to
engage in a computer/site hack and something
important I need to publish via
an exclusive is not
going to get out on time and it will lead to a
catastrophe regarding public health and political
matters, and that idiot, moron and
Madonna, will end up in an enormous amount
of legal, criminal court trouble and public disgrace
for it.
Madonna is the entertainment industry's
version of Madoff and she will occupy an even more
disgraceful place in world history for her criminal
behavior that has harmed many innocent people.