Twitter Is Discriminating Against
Non-Liberals And The FBI Is Illegally Involved
March 28. 2020

The liberal owned social networking
website Twitter has been formally accused of
discriminating against conservatives, centrists and
libertarians. U.S. President Donald Trump accused
Twitter of tampering with his 60,000,000 follow count,
as has other conservatives, centrists and libertarians
who use the site.
There are also conservatives, centrists
and libertarians who have formally accused Twitter of "shadowbanning"
them. Twitter denies this, but there are many third
party sites and software that confirm Twitter is "shadowbanning"
people. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and made snapshots
of it.
I’ve used third party analytic software
by four different companies to analyze my follow count,
as I’ve seen very strange things occur with my Twitter
account such as my account inflowing people I did not
unfollow, freezing up, glitching, tweets not going
through, tweets going through but the username of the
person it was sent to removed once published. I’ve also
seen tweets retweeted on my page that I never retweeted.
I’ve seen the names of trending items tweeted out from
my account when I did not do it.
Regarding the irregularities with my
follow count, I’ve made notes and snapshots of how many
people I’m following before and after I log out, but by
the next morning it will show hundreds of less people
I’m following, without me having logged back in to
unfollow anyone. This happens on a regular basis. I’ve
repeatedly changed my password but this madness keeps
happening, indicating it is being done on Twitter’s back
In total Twitter has removed over 25,000
people from my follow count that should not have been
removed. My follow count should be approximately 61,000,
instead it is stating 36,000. And no, I’ve never bought
followers. And no, all those people were not suspended.
A number of them were "shadowbanned" so they're not
showing up in search results or follow counts at all.
The different software programs I used
calculated how many people I unfollowed (but I didn’t
unfollow the people listed) and how many were suspended
or shadowbanned and it still did not account for the
crazy drop in how many people I am following. The same
goes for how many people are following me as well.
Simply put, the numbers do not add up. Something strange
is going on regarding the backend of Twitter. Numbers
are being rigged. I have the proof.
I’m also noticing the shadowbanned
accounts do not count anymore towards a person’s follow
count. You’re still following the shadowbanned account,
but they’ve been removed from everyone’s follow count.
I’ve also observed via different third
party analytic software that a number of shadowbanned
and restricted accounts are conservatives, centrists and
libertarians. Why is that (rhetorical). Some of the
accounts I know and they didn’t state anything worthy of
being shadow banned. They don’t support the Democrats is
the common thread I saw among many of the shadowbanned
I’ve noticed at times my tweets and that
of other conservatives, centrists and libertarians do
not come up in the Twitter search results, which is a
complaint shared by many conservatives, centrists and
libertarians. Meanwhile the tweets of liberals are
prominently displayed, even those that barely get a
retweet or a favorite.
At times my username of all things
doesn’t even show up when you search for my name on
Twitter. Others conservatives, centrists and
libertarians are having the same problem, regarding
Twitter trying to bury accounts because they do not have
a liberal point of view like the sites owners and the
I’ve noticed when I write unflattering
articles on this site about any Democrat or Hollywood
figures, my Twitter account begins to mysteriously
malfunction, the following and follower count gets
tampered with and all the aforementioned discrimination
I’ve listed is ramped up against my account.
I saved snapshots/screen caps and html
versions of a Twitter page belonging to someone who had
offended certain high profile Hollywood people connected
to Twitter and they had his account tampered with. In a
matter of hours they stripped away over 700,000 of his
followers. I kept making snapshots of the entire thing.
After complaints were sent, Twitter put the 700,000
followers back that they‘d questionably removed. It was
bizarre but gave the game away.
Recently, billionaire Paul Singer of
Elliott Management bought a “sizeable stake” of
Twitter’s shares in a bid to remove one of its founders,
Jack Dorsey, who is a liberal. While I do not agree with
ousting people from the companies they’ve founded,
Twitter’s discrimination and bias against conservatives,
centrists and libertarians is what is causing these
takeover attempts.
At the end of the day you can try to
censor people’s written and spoken opinions, but you
can’t censor the public’s minds. There are billions of
people all over the world who are not liberals. Learn to
accept that. Everyone is entitled to their point of
view. The world has liberals, conservatives, centrists
and libertarians and that's fine. Freedom of expression is a human right and not one to be stripped
away by
social networking (or anyone else).
To open up a social networking site to
the public, then discriminate against people for their
lawful opinions that do not contain your political or
personal point of view, is dishonest, inappropriate and
lacks integrity.
Under U.S. and international law it is
also criminal fraud and indictable. I’m going to make a
prediction (and many of my
predictions have happened) the discrimination
being faced by conservatives, centrists and libertarians
on Twitter is going to end up in Congress with serious
legal implications for select Twitter employees.
I also have it on good authority the FBI
has been getting accounts suspended on Twitter for
political reasons, which is unlawful, unconstitutional
and un-American. The FBI can't decry communism while
behaving like America is a communist country. How is the
FBI going to condemn China and Russia, while doing the
exact same thing.
The FBI is not supposed to be meddling
in social networking, but they are and to the public's
detriment. Once again, this is why deadly terrorist
attacks and domestic acts of terrorism such as the
Boston Marathon bombing, the
Pulse night club mass murderer,
and the
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooter,
among many others, keep happening, even after members of
the public warn the FBI.
The corrupt FBI is too busy screwing
around on social networking, spying on people they’re
not supposed to spy on (via wiretaps, backend social
networking snooping, computer hacks, email hacks and
stalking) and doing so for political and financial
Not to mention, stealing intellectual
property from American and foreign companies, which is
very illegal and unethical (Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
When an agency, the FBI, is that busy
breaking the law, there's no time to fight crime.
Side Bar: the friend
counts on some mainstream celebrities pages on Twitter
and Instagram are wrong. How could the Kardashians have
over 100 million followers yet their shows have such
poor ratings, averaging 1 million viewers per episode.
Republican mega-donor buys stake in Twitter and
seeks to oust Jack Dorsey – report
Billionaire Paul Singer’s Elliott Management
has taken a ‘sizable stake’ and intends to ‘push for
changes’, reports Bloomberg News
Sat 29 Feb 2020 10.13 EST - Last
modified on Sat 29 Feb 2020 15.11 EST - A major
Republican donor has purchased a stake in Twitter and is
reportedly seeking to oust its chief executive, Jack
Dorsey. Bloomberg News first reported that Elliott
Management has taken a “sizable stake” and “and plans to
push for changes at the social media company, including
replacing Dorsey”.
Paul Singer, the billionaire founder of
Elliott Management, is a Republican mega-donor who
opposed Donald Trump during the real-estate magnate’s
run for the presidential nomination but has since come
onside. After a White House visit in February 2017,
Trump said Singer “was very much involved with the
anti-Trump or, as they say, ‘Never Trump’, and Paul just
left, and he’s given us his total support and it’s all
about unification”. Trump famously communicates with the
public largely through Twitter, at the expense of
traditional media strategy...
Trump Accuses Twitter Of Tampering With His
Follower Count Due To Its Political Bias
December 18, 2018 - President Trump on
Tuesday launched an attack on social media platforms,
accusing them of bias against him, and specifically
accused Twitter of making it harder to follow him while
cutting down his follower count. He delivered these
charges, ironically, on Twitter itself.
“Facebook, Twitter and Google are so
biased toward the Dems it is ridiculous!,” the president
tweeted Tuesday morning. “Twitter, in fact, has made it
much more difficult for people to join @realDonaldTrump.
They have removed many names & greatly slowed the level
and speed of increase. They have acknowledged-done