The U.S. Postal Service Is Being Corrupted And
Misused By The FBI And Others In Law Enforcement In What Is A
Criminal Waste Of Taxpayer Money And Resources (Breonna Taylor)September 24. 2020

FBI Director Christopher Wray
The Breonna Taylor murder is more proof of law
enforcement misusing the already struggling U.S. Postal Service for
questionable means. 26-year-old, law abiding black woman, Taylor, a
medical technician who lived in Louisville, Kentucky, was murdered
in her sleep. She was shot to death by trigger happy police officers in her
property under a highly questionable warrant.
The warrant was fraudulently obtained by the
Louisville Police Department, who dispatched police officers
Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankinson and Myles Cosgrove to Taylor's
home. The warrant wrongly identified Taylor's home as a drug
property, due to the man she dated 2-years prior being a drug
dealer. It was guilt by association with absolutely no proof.
The police department lied on the warrant stating
Taylor's ex-boyfriend was receiving packages of drugs at her home.
The police falsely stated on the warrant that this was confirmed by a U.S.
Postal Service inspector. However, the U.S. Postal Service went on
record after the murder and publicly confirmed they never worked
with the police and it was a government agency that asked them to
monitor packages to Taylor's home.
The U.S. Postal Service obliged and reported back to
the government agency that they found no questionable packages going
to Taylor's home ("There are no packages of interest going there").
After Taylor's murder, police found no drugs in her property,
proving the U.S. Postal Service correct and the police wrong.
Taylor, an innocent woman was shot to death, because police
abused the court system to obtain fraudulent warrants and used the
U.S. Postal Service to improperly spy on her as well. This too
should have resulted in criminal charges, but as with Taylor's
murder, no one was held to account by the law.
Corruption has become commonplace in certain law
enforcement circles (FBI And NSA Outed Again In New Court
Ruling For Illegally Spying On People In America Confirming Previous
Site Claims). For instance, the FBI has corrupted the U.S.
Postal Service, in conscripting employees to spy on innocent people
for political reasons. There are also incidents of the FBI giving
postal service workers orders to harass people they've knowingly and
falsely labeled criminals, in acts that are being done for political
I brought this matter up in my
letter to Congress
last year in an unrelated matter and 14-months later here is an ugly
and glaring example of what I referenced to the
legislature in 2019, as law enforcement misused the U.S.
Postal Service in the Breonna Taylor case. The police falsified a
warrant they asked a judge to sign, in stating in said warrant
application that the U.S. Postal Service via one of their
inspectors, certified that drug packages were being sent to Taylor's

Breonna Taylor
The U.S. Postal Service was forced to make a public
statement after Taylor's murder, revealing they never worked with
the police in this matter. Therefore, the officers lied to get the
warrant they used to fraudulently enter Taylor's property and murder
her, an innocent woman, in her sleep.
The FBI has used the U.S. Postal Service to target
people for political reasons (BLM, Antifa, conservative and
libertarian media/internet figures), via demanding the post office divert
their letters and packages temporarily or indefinitely, sometimes
not reaching their homes/business at all.
The corrupt FBI is in criminal possession of letters
and packages belonging to innocent people they illegally target for
political reasons, with no legal
grounds to do so. The FBI has been engaging in a corrupt practice of
having the U.S. Postal Service hold people's time sensitive
items to ensure work and bill deadlines are missed.
It is not that said letters and packages contain
anything questionable, but under the FBI's illegal COINTELPRO
program they never got rid of (you know, the one they used to kill
Martin Luther King Jr and Medgar Evers among others) holding and or stealing people's mail
is done as a form of criminal harassment to frustrate, irritate,
upset and disrupt their lives, as part of a greater effort in destroying innocent targeted
The FBI has also illegally conscripted U.S. Postal
Service workers to harass political targets when they go to the post
office. The FBI is that depraved that innocent people they
politically target are not permitted to even go to the post office
without harassment.
The FBI is also criminally tampering in the innocent
targets' utilities (rolling
blackouts to properties, as well as calculated cable, internet and
phone interruptions in service). The FBI also criminally interferes
in the innocent targets' schooling, jobs/careers, medical care and
relationships in sick ways worthy of indictment.
In short, the FBI are criminals, as doing these
sick, depraved, psychotic, mentally disturbed things to people has
nothing to do with investigating crime, but meant to mentally,
physically and socially destroy the lives of innocent people, who
peacefully speak out in America about injustice and inequities in
As much as Congress touts America as a land of free speech
and free press, it is not so. The FBI hates free speech and free
press. The agency routinely takes your tax dollars from Congress,
targets, terrorizes and destroys those who engage in their
constitutional right to peacefully speak out and write about
matters that are unjust.
The U.S. Postal Service is understaffed and
overworked. Coronavirus has made it worse. The FBI knows this and
doesn't care. The whole time the
FBI and select entities in law enforcement have been corruptly
usurping the U.S. Postal Service's time and resources for
politically vindictive reasons, illegally targeting innocent people.
The U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code expressly forbids what the FBI
is doing in this regard.
FBI And NSA Outed Again In New Court
Ruling For Illegally Spying On People In America Confirming Previous
Site Claims
The Family Of Murder Victim Breonna
Taylor Settles Lawsuit Against Police For $12,000,000
Black EMT Shot To Death In Her Sleep
By Police In A Case Of Mistaken Identity