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The FBI Visiting Medical Providers Telling Them To Harm Patients For Political Reasons In Criminal Violation Of The Law (Patients Have Been Maimed And Died) June 12. 2018
FBI NOTE 6-13-18: Two links in yesterday's article "The FBI Visiting Medical Providers Telling Them To Harm Patients For Political Reasons In Criminal Violation Of The Law (Patients Have Been Maimed And Died)" were not loading correctly for some reason, directing to "page not found." I have fixed the links that were hacked on this site by this loser and added excerpts in the "story source" section. Just for that stunt, I will do an expanded follow up on the topic. The article links are: The CIA's Appalling Human Experiments With Mind Control and US apologizes for infecting Guatemalans with STDs in the 1940s ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... This article contains another exclusive about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). I’ve broken a number of site exclusives on the FBI that later proved 100 percent true, confirmed by subsequent Congressional hearings and press stories: The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying Confirming What This Site Previously Stated Confirmed: The FBI Spying On Journalists Emails Just As The Website Previously Stated FBI Has Been Spying On Black Lives Matter As I Previously Stated Online
FBI Collected Thousands Of Phone Records Illegally I’ve got another exclusive. The FBI has been going around to medical and dental providers asking them to physically harm select patients for political reasons, in conduct that is completely criminal. It is a practice implemented by former FBI Director and current special counsel, Robert S. Mueller (who is still meddling in the FBI and in very illegal and sinister ways). Some doctors have done what the FBI asked in harming select patients the agency has been criminally targeting, in criminal violation of the law. Thus far, it has resulted in fatalities, in conduct worthy of the death penalty in courts of law. Other patients targeted by the FBI in this vile manner, were put through excruciating pain in deliberately botched medical surgeries and dental procedures, with lack of or total absence of anesthesia. Some patients the FBI has been targeting, were deliberately given the wrong medicine, resulting in medical injuries. Ask any credible dentist the type of severe pain a patient would go through if the holes created for fillings are deliberately left uncovered in an alleged filling job. This criminal misconduct constitutes serious and flagrant violations of the Geneva Conventions, regarding torture. When the FBI goes into a dental office and illegally tells the dentist to deliberately drill into a patient's lip and damage the patient's teeth via excessive drilling for fillings, then to improperly cover the holes in the teeth or none at all, leaving the pulp exposed, that is a method of torture. There are torture manuals used by the government and dangerous criminals alike. One of the methods is drilling into the teeth with no anesthetic. It is also a violation of medical malpractice laws in America. Some of these incidents directed by the FBI and medical offices are complete felonies, constituting manslaughter. The incidents that did not result in fatalities, constitute grievous bodily injury under existing laws. Some were left crippled or maimed. Previously, the FBI’s sister agency, the CIA, who engages in similar practices, was condemned for experimenting on hospital patients and prison inmates, injecting them with LSD, without their permission. The CIA chose to secretly inject with LSD poor people in hospitals who couldn't afford to mount a legal defense, sex workers and inmates, whom they thought would not be believed due to having a criminal record. It damaged their minds and caused them significant mental and emotional distress. Some became sick and suicidal. The award winning History Channel covered the subject. There is an item on their website entitled "The CIA's Appalling Human Experiments With Mind Control." The CIA unconscionably and criminally experimented on mentally disabled boys at a state school. The New York Times reported the CIA cruelly exposed 100 mentally disabled boys at the state school to doses of radiation, via their food. Radiation can cause cancer. George Hunter White, the former supervisor for the New England area of the Federal Narcotics Bureau, who worked with the CIA in these sick experiments, voyeuristically stating, "Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?" Ironically, the Bible describes the devil as one who comes to "steal, kill and destroy." Therefore, White's behavior, and that of the CIA and FBI, are of the devil, not God. The Bible illustrates that God states people who do such things "are of (your father) the devil." The FBI and the CIA are nothing but the devil. The two agencies are godforsaken for all the harm they've done to humanity, such as the aforementioned illegal experiments and CURRENTLY and deliberately fighting to block the release of cures to cancer and AIDS. Millions of people have died because of them and God is going to severely punish the FBI and CIA for it. The Bible clearly shows the "blessing" and presence of God would never dwell over such evil. The Bible shows God's Presence leaves when such evil is present and his wrath replaces it. In 1997, former U.S. President Bill Clinton apologized for the fatal Tuskegee Study, where poor black men in Alabama were secretly and deliberately infected with syphilis. And even when a cure was discovered, the U.S. government withheld it from the poor black men. Clinton stated, "Even once a cure was discovered, they were denied help." Clinton further stated, "Forty years, hundreds of men betrayed, along with their wives and children, along with the community in Macon County, Alabama, the City of Tuskegee, the fine university there, and the larger African American community." In 2010, the U.S. government apologized for the Health Department and the CIA going into Guatemala and deliberately infecting Guatemalans with sexually transmitted diseases. The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius stated of the illegal, fatal study, "We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who were affected by such abhorrent research practices. The conduct exhibited during the study does not represent the values of the United States, or our commitment to human dignity..." Really? So why are the FBI and CIA still doing such things. Why is the FBI going to doctors and dentists and engaging in the damaging, torturous conduct listed above (and there is proof of this). Why are the FBI and CIA going to medical doctors and asking them to refer sane patients to psychiatrists, in order to use it as political blackmail and to discredit others.
Former FBI Direct Robert S. Mueller engaged in heinous human rights abuses at the agency and has called in some sick favors in recent times. Mueller is the architect of the FBI's torture program that harmed many people. He is a very sick, evil man. There is a case regarding the FBI going to a medical office and telling the doctor to prescribe a patient they have been targeting for political reasons, a damaging migraine drug the government knew was causing heart problems in patients (seizures, metabolic acidosis, tremors and in some cases blindness and death stemming from a coma). The doctor unethically complied with the FBI's vile request. When the drug created the heart problem and began damaging the patient's vision, rather than follow the appropriate course of action any decent doctor would, which would be to write the patient a referral to see a cardiologist (heart) and ophthalmologist (vision) the FBI ordered the doctor to write a referral for the patient to see a specific psychiatrist, whom they already told to declare the sane patient crazy in medical records. The innocent patient was being targeted by the FBI for political reasons, for being outspoken and having assets at their disposal to make their opinions heard to large audiences. The FBI sought to physically disable the person and have them committed, in a bid to end the person's public influence. The latter is known as the "misuse of psychiatry" and "the political abuse of psychiatry" which constitutes several crimes (fraud, endangerment, HIPAA violations, conspiracy, kidnapping). It is wholly disgusting that the FBI is criminally misusing the medical system in such a sick, underhanded and despicable manner. The FBI are truly an evil, godforsaken abomination. They devote their time to spying on many innocent people, rather than investigating crime. This is highly illegal and a waste of $9 billion per year in taxpayer money. The NSA is America's spy agency. Not the FBI. Yet the FBI routinely spies on many Americans in America and foreigners abroad, in criminal violation of U.S. and international law. While the FBI is illegally spying, innocent people are dying. After all, the FBI's corrupt criminal negligence caused innocent kids to die, so the agency could illegally spy (FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page and The FBI Ignored Second Credible Tip That Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was Going To Kill Innocent People). There is another case regarding the FBI showing up at the home of an innocent, middle aged black couple. The FBI wanted the couple's help in spying on and threatening an innocent, influential person. The FBI demanded the couple pump the person for information and spy on the person in their home during visits. The FBI also asked them to leave on their phones to transmit all that was said and done in the home during visits. Nothing illegal ever occurred in the person's home, as the individual is innocent. The FBI just wanted to know all the person's plans and was looking for a method of entrapment. When the FBI's dirty requests became more and more illegal, the couple began to object. The FBI threatened to harm the couple's son, who was locked up for being the getaway driver in a home invasion robbery in Florida. The couple didn't believe the FBI could be so evil and began ignoring the agency's increasingly evil and illegal requests. The FBI did the unthinkable as a threat and had the couple's son attacked in prison by a group of other inmates. The couple's son also came down with a mysterious skin rash all over his body right after the fight that the prison medical staff could not explain. Though the couple's son was the victim of the attack, the FBI had a prosecutor add years to his sentence for fighting in prison. The bulk of these heinous human rights abuses were committed by the FBI (Robert S. Mueller and James Comey), under former President Barack Obama, with his consent. He gave them permission to do these evil things U.S. and international law forbids. This ladies and gentlemen, is the FBI. The agency has not changed one bit since the days the FBI had Martin Luther King Jr murdered for daring to preach that blacks and whites are equal. They are still the same hateful, mean spirited, racist agency they've always been. FBI officials love to state they are serving the country, but in actuality, they are serving the devil in doing such evil things to others. It's amazing that the Hippocratic oath states "do no harm" yet the unhinged FBI is criminally waltzing into medical offices demanding the exact opposite of doctors, towards innocent patients, for political and financial reasons. There is no excuse for this disgusting, evil behavior. I predict the FBI criminally meddling in the medical system is going to have far reaching consequences, such as mushrooming into a scandal with criminal charges directed by an embarrassed Congress, leading to indictments of select FBI employees, past and present. STORY SOURCE The CIA's Appalling Human Experiments With Mind Control April 10, 1953, Allen Dulles, the newly appointed director of the CIA, delivered a speech to a gathering of Princeton alumni. Though the event was mundane, global tensions were running high. The Korean War was coming to an end, and earlier that week, The New York Times had published a startling story asserting that American POWs returning from the country may have been “converted” by “Communist brain-washers.” Some GI’s were confessing to war crimes, like carrying out germ warfare against the Communists–a charge the U.S. categorically denied. Others were reportedly so brainwashed that they had refused to return to the United States at all. As if that weren’t enough, the U.S. was weeks away from secretly sponsoring the overthrow of a democratically elected leader in Iran. Dulles had just become the first civilian director of an agency growing more powerful by the day, and the speech provided an early glimpse into his priorities for the CIA. “In the past few years we have become accustomed to hearing much about the battle for men’s minds–the war of ideologies,” he told the attendees. “I wonder, however, whether we clearly perceive the magnitude of the problem, whether we realize how sinister the battle for men’s minds has become in Soviet hands,” he continued. “We might call it, in its new form, ‘brain warfare.’” Presidential Apology THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release May 16, 1997 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN APOLOGY FOR STUDY DONE IN TUSKEGEE The East Room 2:26 P.M. EDT - President Clinton with Mr Shaw at apology for Tuskegee Studay THE PRESIDENT: Ladies and gentlemen, on Sunday, Mr. Shaw will celebrate his 95th birthday. (Applause.) I would like to recognize the other survivors who are here today and their families: Mr. Charlie Pollard is here. (Applause.) Mr. Carter Howard. (Applause.) Mr. Fred Simmons. (Applause.) Mr. Simmons just took his first airplane ride, and he reckons he’s about 110 years old, so I think it’s time for him to take a chance or two. (Laughter.) I’m glad he did. And Mr. Frederick Moss, thank you, sir. (Applause.) I would also like to ask three family representatives who are here — Sam Doner is represented by his daughter, Gwendolyn Cox. Thank you, Gwendolyn. (Applause.) Ernest Hendon, who is watching in Tuskegee, is represented by his brother, North Hendon. Thank you, sir, for being here. (Applause.) And George Key is represented by his grandson, Christopher Monroe. Thank you, Chris. (Applause.) I also acknowledge the families, community leaders, teachers and students watching today by satellite from Tuskegee. The White House is the people’s house; we are glad to have all of you here today. I thank Dr. David Satcher for his role in this. I thank Congresswoman Waters and Congressman Hilliard, Congressman Stokes, the entire Congressional Black Caucus. Dr. Satcher, members of the Cabinet who are here, Secretary Herman, Secretary Slater, members of the Cabinet who are here, Secretary Herman, Secretary Slater. A great friend of freedom, Fred Gray, thank you for fighting this long battle all these long years. The eight men who are survivors of the syphilis study at Tuskegee are a living link to a time not so very long ago that many Americans would prefer not to remember, but we dare not forget. It was a time when our nation failed to live up to its ideals, when our nation broke the trust with our people that is the very foundation of our democracy. It is not only in remembering that shameful past that we can make amends and repair our nation, but it is in remembering that past that we can build a better present and a better future. And without remembering it, we cannot make amends and we cannot go forward. US apologizes for infecting Guatemalans with STDs in the 1940s October 1, 2010 10:18 p.m. EDT President Obama offers "profound apologies" to the Guatemalan
president for the tests. Washington (CNN) -- The United States apologized Friday for a 1946-1948 research study in which people in Guatemala were intentionally infected with sexually transmitted diseases. A statement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius called the action "reprehensible." "We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who were affected by such abhorrent research practices," the joint statement said. "The conduct exhibited during the study does not represent the values of the United States, or our commitment to human dignity and great respect for the people of Guatemala." President Barack Obama called his Guatemalan counterpart Friday "offering profound apologies and asking pardon for the deeds of the 1940s," President Alvaro Colom told CNN en Espanol in a telephone interview from Guatemala City. "Though it happened 64 years ago, it really is a profound violation of human rights," said Colom, who said the report took him by surprise. Clinton called him on Thursday, he said. "She too offered her apologies," he said, adding that she told him she was ashamed the United States had been involved in the matter. Asked whether Guatemala was planning to take legal action, Colom said, "That's part of the work of the commission." "We reject these types of actions, obviously," said Guatemala presidential spokesman Ronaldo Robles. "We know that this took place some time ago, but this is unacceptable and we recognize the apology from Secretary Clinton." RELATED ARTICLES Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Targeting And Killing Jamaicans With The Support Of The FBI CBS News Confirms That FBI Director Lied To Congress About Carrier IQ Spying 19-Year-Old Shoots And Kills 17 People At Florida School FBI Failed To Act On Tip About Abortionist Killer FBI Heads Up Led To Innocent Man’s Murder FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids FBI's WMD Department Rebuked By IG |
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