The FBI Is Criminally Violating The
Civil Rights Act At Schools And Universities In
Discriminatory Behavior Targeting Minorities
October 26. 2020

Christopher Wray
I've done a number of articles
highlighting FBI corruption that later proved 100% true
via congressional hearings, Inspector General reports
and news media articles (see RELATED ARTICLES section
below). Here's another item about FBI corruption
regarding their behavior that is very appalling and
The FBI has been criminally violating
the Civil Rights Act at schools and universities for
political reasons, in acts that are discriminatory
against minorities. The FBI has unlawfully approached
faculty and roped them into said criminal violations of
the Civil Rights Act, under a deceitful and devious
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids
discrimination in education. However, the FBI is
criminally violating it right now for political reasons,
as a part of its secretive use of the COINTELPRO program
that was supposed to be terminated, but has quietly
remained active at the so-called law enforcement agency.

Former U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Civil
Rights Act with civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr
present. The deranged FBI would go on to murder
Martin Luther King Jr shortly for daring to preach
blacks and whites are equal.
Even after the landmark ruling of Brown
vs. Board of Education, in reference to discrimination
in schools, the FBI is still criminally discriminating
against innocent minorities they are targeting for
political reasons, at schools and universities in
America (outspoken private citizens, the offspring of
lawfully politically active people, and Black Lives
Matter students). Some are being secretly and
underhandedly barred by the FBI from schools and
universities they qualify to attend. Others are being
targeted for destruction by the FBI at schools and
universities. The FBI have also been going around asking
faculty to illegally spy on students being targeted by
the agency for political reasons. These are federal
crimes. There is proof of all of this. I will write
about it in forthcoming items and in greater detail with
said proof.
In big old 2020 the FBI are criminally
violating the Civil Rights Act. They should be
embarrassed and ashamed. Have they any idea of how bad
that looks and how fargone they are in life to do such a
despicable thing as to violate the Civil Rights Act,
especially in modern times. It is sick and abominable.
The FBI has also been criminally
interfering in international schools, such as in Britain
and Europe, among other places, which is a crime. FBI
agents trespassed at British schools, targeting minors
to get at their parents for political reasons. The FBI
are an agency who have gone off the deep end and area
steadily headed for global scandal, disaster and

Brown vs. Board of Education
I predict this matter will end up in
Congress as a part of an ugly, acrimonious set of live
hearings, and in the international community regarding
human rights forums, and select houses of legislature in
the world (and my predictions repeatedly happen:
FBI officials will send word and notices
to faculty members involved in violating the Civil
Rights Act, advising them they are in trouble. Their
excuse to the faculty they roped into their criminal
conduct in violating the Civil Rights Act will be "you
were following rogue agents" when in fact the order came
directly from the top, FBI Director, Christopher Wray,
who is already in trouble in Congress and the president
is publicly mulling firing him. None will escape the
scandal unscathed.
That's the FBI's deceitful scam they've
been running. They rope people into their criminal
activity as informants and cooperating witnesses, only
for them to leave the individuals high and dry when
congressional and criminal court trouble strikes,
regarding the crimes they told them to commit against
innocent people, under the guise of being informants and
cooperating witnesses.

Brown vs. Board of Education
They tell them you were "listening to"
or "following rogue agents" and not the FBI, and they
can't grant you immunity from prosecution. However, as
stated above, these corrupt, criminal orders are not the
work of rogue agents, it's coming straight from the very
top of the agency (the FBI Director).
There are also other things for
cooperating witnesses and informants to consider. When
the FBI tells you to break the law and they will give
you immunity, there are crimes one can commit in America
that will also have jurisdiction in international
criminal courts of law, and they can secure your custody
via extradition requests the FBI cannot block. Congress
will not help you neither will the State Department.
There are extradition treaties the U.S.
government has signed. If the government fails to honor
them, world nations will do the same and refuse to
extradite criminals to U.S. shores. Congress and the
State Department are not going to risk that for you
because the FBI told you to break the law in egregious
matters. Do not find this out the hard way.

Brown vs. Board of Education
The FBI can't even protect its own
lawyers from criminal indictment when they tell them to
break the law. What makes you think they will protect
you (FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Pleads
Guilty To Lying To Judge And Falsifying Evidence To Spy On Political
Adviser Carter Page In Acts Further Proving The FBI Is Completely
Do not let the FBI talk you into
breaking the law and they will protect you by granting
immunity from prosecution. The FBI has already abandoned
many informants and cooperating witnesses in prison, who
broke the law as the agency requested (FBI Left Muslim
Informant For Dead).
You are not spies doing some great,
adventurous work on behalf of national security, via
operating as informants for the FBI. You are stooges
they are using in criminal conduct for political reasons
that criminally violates the U.S. Code and Constitution.
You could end up in prison, financially ruined and
globally disgraced. Let no one convince you that
lawbreaking is the right path. Choices have
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