The Family That Is The Head Of The Illuminati
July 23. 2024

The late George H. W. Bush and his son George W. Bush
Many of you have heard references
made to "the Illuminati" in Hollywood and its music
industry based largely in New York (and Los Angeles
in Hollywood as well). It has been referenced in
mainstream movies, songs, music videos, photos and
books. Hollywood celebrities have claimed membership
to the secret society, bragging about it in
interviews. Years ago I used to think it was the
ramblings of Hollywood idiots and lunatics (well, I
still think they are idiots and lunatics). However,
in recent times I found out it is actually a secret
society, which follows the sick teachings of Italian
philosopher, Niccolo Makaevilli, who was one of the
most selfish, greedy and evil people who ever lived.
"The Illuminati" is not a work of fiction. It is a real
secret society and you'll never guess the family that has been the head
of it for generations. It is the Bush family. At first I thought the
head of the Illuminati was the Rothschild family, who are a nefarious,
greedy clan with financial ties all over the world, due to their
presence in banking. The Rothschilds made much of their money from fraud
via ripping off the wealth of England in the 1800s, via their
despicable, dishonest, demonic and greedy ancestor (Nathan Rothschild)
who ran a terrible scam on London stock market investors. However, it is
not the Rothchilds.
A very astute and politically connected person recently
confirmed to me it is not the Rothschilds and stated the head of "the
Illuminati" is a political family (hence the widespread reach and
ability to corrupt so many to get their agenda through). Then the person
stated "It is the Bush family." They have people in politics under them.
They also have extensive ties to banking through corporations like JP
Morgan/Chase Bank. They also have the entertainment and sports
industries via people like
child sex trafficker Madonna and
pedophile rapper Jay Z committing
horrendous crimes to control everyone and everything in said areas.
The Bush family have been over the Rothschilds and even
the House of Windsor. Bush is related to the late Queen of England,
Elizabeth II. Bush and his son, George W. Bush II, did evil things that
enraged the Queen, particularly as it relates to the war in Iraq, and
other unreasonable demands the Bush family kept making on her, among
others, which brought global controversy. The Bush family severely
abused "the special relationship."
When you look back at the Bush family history you will
find an extraordinary amount of greed and evil being committed by them
in the form of human atrocities. The Bush family has greatly damaged
mankind. Samuel P. Bush worked in arms sales to the government providing
weapons for wars and was on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland. His son Prescott Bush was a Nazi supporter who bankrolled the
construction of the concentration camps in Europe via his Union Banking
Corporation. Prescott Bush was in league with Hitler, a murderous
dictator who killed 6,000,000 Jewish people.
Remember the 2000 Hollywood film "The Skulls"? Well, it
is based on the Yale university secret society called the "Skull and
Bone" which is run by ways connected to "the Illuminati." Prescott Bush,
George H.W. Bush and son George W. Bush were/are members of the "Skull
and Bones" when they attended Yale university.
Former President, George H.W. Bush,was also head of the
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Bush did an extraordinary amount of
evil at the CIA. The Nation magazine alleged Bush worked as an operative
for the CIA in the 1960s. In the 1970s Bush became the Director of the
CIA, where he put in place terrible policies that cost people their
lives. In 1981, he became Vice President of the United States. Then, in
1989 he became President of the United States. George H.W. Bush was
involved in the Cold War, the invasion of Panama, and the Gulf War in
the Middle east. Many people lost their lives because of him.
In 2000, George W. Bush became President of the United
States, through stealing an election from Al Gore, via the late Supreme
Court Justice, Antonin Scalia. Bush I had appointed Scalia to the bench.
Years later he ordered a recount stopped and awarded the presidency to
Texas based, George W. Bush.
The corrupt and racist Supreme Court justice, who
relished slamming black people in his rulings in racial terms (never
mind he never said or wrote a peep about the mafia robbing and murdering
people left, right and center in America, he was always insulting black
people), later died a mysterious death at a resort in Texas with a
pillow over his face. George W. Bush went on to wage the war in Iraq,
which killed over 1,000,000 Iraqis and 6,000 American soldiers. Both
Bush I and Bush II destabilized the Middle East.
The Bush family have been a blight on humanity for
centuries. Aspects of the human atrocities they have committed since
have not been publicly released, but will be in the future.
George W. Bush’s Grandfather Is The Most Notorious Satanist In
Modern Times
You Need To Give Them
Their Homes Back