Texas Prosecutors Are Proceeding With
Criminal Case Against Iyanna Mayweather Offering No Plea
April 23. 2020

Floyd Mayweather and his daughter Iyanna Mayweather
19-year-old Iyanna Mayweather, the
daughter of 43-year-old former boxing champion, Floyd
Mayweather, is now potentially facing 99-years in prison
for stabbing a woman over her boyfriend, rapper Youngboy,
20. Prosecutors in Texas are currently not offering her
a plea deal. Iyanna in turn has pleaded not guilty,
labeling the violent act self-defense.
Iyanna stabbed 25-year-old Lapattra
Jacobs, who is the mother of one of Youngboy's children.
Lapattra is one of at least three women the public knows
of that Youngboy has knocked up and all before hitting
19-years of age. He has also been spreading herpes
around, as attested by women who have come forward
complaining of his behavior. Failure to disclose one's
sexual health status, leading to others becoming
infected with STDs is a crime.

Iyanna is in the undesirable position of
having to deal with a young, violent, promiscuous
rapper, and the mothers of his children, who resent her
for dating him. The mothers of Youngboy's children are
individually hoping to get back with him. However, he is
referring to Iyanna as his wife, even though they are
not married. Iyanna referred to herself as his fiancée.
Lapattra's conduct was a bid at breaking
up the couple, in having Iyanna thrown out of his house,
then proceeding to pull her hair to spark a fight.
However, Iyanna fought back with two knives, landing
Lapattra in the hospital, shaken and afraid. To add
insult to injury for Lapattra, Iyanna made bail and was
in Youngboy's bed that same night.
Iyanna is a pretty, wealthy young girl,
thanks to her dad, who is worth half a billion dollars
in cash and more in assets. Lapattra is clearly having a
hard time competing with that. It is obvious she is
intimidated by Iyanna and jealous of her as well, to be
so adversarial.

Lapattra Lashai Jacobs
On the same token, as Iyanna is pretty
and wealthy, she needs to realize she has more options
than most. Some women put up with cheating men because
of money. It is clear Lapattra is one of them and wants
Iyanna out of the way to secure as much money as she can
get from Youngboy. After all, Youngboy has been spending
money on Iyanna, which Lapattra undoubtedly think should
go to her and their child.
At the end of the day the two women
should not have been fighting, as violence is wrong and
it is clear Youngboy only cares about himself. Iyanna
certainly should not have stabbed Lapattra, as it's
illegal and is jeopardizing her freedom.
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