Floyd Mayweather's Daughter Jirah
Mayweather Threatens To Stab Female Rapper Bhad Bhabie After Sister
Stabbed Ex-Girlfriend Of NBAYoungboyApril 21. 2020

Jirah Mayweather and dad Floyd Mayweather
17-year-old rapper Bhad Bhabie, also known as
Danielle Bregoli, recently got into an Instagram feud with
15-year-old Jirah Mayweather, the daughter of former world champion
boxer, Floyd Mayweather. Bhabie, who has been in a number of online
feuds and physical fights stated on Instagram, "Ay tell @jirahmayweather
imma smack tf outta her when I see her."

Jirah Mayweather
I don't know who told her to write that at one of
the Mayweathers in this current climate, because Jirah gave her a
cold blooded response. Jirah responded to Bhabie's threat by
stating, "@bhadbhavie we don't fight bit**es around here we stab em."
Oh snap! You know what, I'm gonna be careful regarding what I write
about Jirah from now on, because I'm not trying to get stabbed by no
15-year-old (LOL).

Bhad Bhabie's threat to Jirah Mayweather
Jirah is referring to her sister being arrested for
felony assault with a deadly weapon. Iyanna "YaYa" Mayweather, 19,
is currently up on criminal charges for stabbing Lapattra Jacobs,
25, over rapper NBAYoungboy, 20.

Jirah Mayweather's response to Bhad Bhabie's threat
Iyanna became upset upon seeing Lapattra, the mother
of one of NBAYoungboy's children, at his Texas home, and told her to
leave the premises at once. However, Iyanna was ejected from the
house. Iyanna stated Lapattra attacked her in front of the house,
then ran back into the property. Iyanna chased after Lapattra and a
fight ensued. During the fight, Iyanna stabbed Lapattra twice. She
was hospitalized twice for her injuries.

Iyanna Mayweather
Speaking of Bhad Bhabie, she recently stated
something that was racially insulting. For the past 2-years, she has
used black culture to earn money on social networking then in a
pseudo rap career. Recently, she took to using deep tanning lotions
and changing the texture of her hair, for it to appear more African.
Some black people on Twitter and Instagram accused her of cultural
appropriation, to which she insultingly responded, "Don't nobody
want to be f**ing black."
Bhad Bhabie sporting a curly hair texture as opposed to the
kinky one she wore previously but using it as an excuse to state she
is not trying to be black:
She is out of order. All she had to do was say I am
not trying to be black or any other race than my own. Instead she
insulted black people stating no one wants to be black, which is
racially offensive and racist. I have news for her, many people such
as myself, love being black.
Bhad Bhabie threatening to kill African-American actress Skai
Considering Bhad Bhabie used black culture
to make millions, she should show some respect. I am not against
other races doing black music and embracing other aspects of the
culture. However, I am against it when it is insincere, insulting
and disrespectful, as in the case of Bhad Bhabie.
Floyd Mayweather Deleted Social
Networking Photos Of Daughter Iyanna Mayweather After She Appeared On
Rapper NBAyoungboy's Instagram While He Insulted Him
Boxer Floyd Mayweather's Daughter
Iyanna 'YaYa' Mayweather Arrested For Stabbing One Of The Mothers Of
Rapper NBAyoungboy's Children
Iyanna Mayweather Is Not Safe With
Rapper NBAyoungboy Whose Family Has A History Of Violence
Floyd Mayweather's Daughter Back
With Abusive Boyfriend NBAyoungboy Who Slammed The Boxer
Floyd Mayweather Speaks Out After
His Daughter's Arrest For Assault With A Deadly Weapon
Woman Who Was Stabbed By Floyd
Mayweather’s Daughter Iyanna Mayweather Speaks Out