Networking Users Voicing Their Anger That Pedophile
James Charles Is Still Roaming Free
...While His Black Counterpart
Is Under Criminal Indictment
April 13. 2021

James Charles
Hollywood influencer, James Charles,
known for doing make-up tutorials, is being slammed
on social networking. People online are labeling it
corruption that white-American, Charles, who
solicited and swapped nude photos with underage boys
in private direct messages on social networking,
remains free, while African-American reality star,
Jeremy Harris, has been arrested for similar conduct
(Joe Biden Did Publicized Interview
Promoting His Campaign With Netflix Pedophile Jeremy Harris Who Has Now
Been Arrested (Video)).

James Charles
Charles has also coerced young males
into sex, who were distraught at what occurred.
Swapping nudes with minors is also a crime. It is
child pornography. For Charles to remain free and
without criminal charges/convictions, while Jeremy
Harris was arrested and indicted, does exhibit a
racially tinged double standard.

Tweet about pedophile Bryan
It's the same story with Hollywood
director and massive pedophile,
Bryan Singer, who is also white,
still remaining free. He has been accused by many of
raping boys, yet he's still walking around free to
continue committing these sick crimes against
James Charles Loses You Tube Channel
Show After It Emerges He Is A Pedophile Grooming Underage Boys And
Demanding Nude Photos From Them
Former Child Star Corey Feldman Says He And Corey Haim Were
Sexually Molested And Passed Around By Hollywood Pedophile Ring
Beginning At Age 11
Kevin Spacey Groped The Penis Of A Member Of The Norwegian Royal
Family And Sexually Assaulted 20 Men At The Old Vic Theatre In
Complaints Intensify Regarding Pedophilia Claims Against
Hollywood Director Bryan Singer Who Has A Penchant For Teenage
Male Twins
Kevin Spacey Slammed All Over Social Networking For Sexually
Assaulting A Underage Male Child Actor Then Coming Out As
Studio Fired Pedophile Bryan Singer From Queen Biopic 'Bohemian
Rhapsody' During His Nervous Breakdown
Actors Corey Feldman And Dominick Brascia State Charlie Sheen
Raped Corey Haim When He Was 13-Years-Old
The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years
Since The Time Of Robert Mueller
8 Former Child Stars State Bryan Singer's Co-Worker And Fellow
Director Gary Goddard Molested Them
Netflix See Massive Drop In
Subscriptions Due To Boycott Caused By Its Pedophilic Film 'Cuties'
Social Media Users Destroy The Makeup Products Of Disgraced You Tube
Star James Charles
Kevin Spacey Sexual Assault Cases Being Investigated And His New Film
Pedophile Bryan Singer Off The Queen 'Bohemian
Rhapsody' Biopic