Netflix See Massive Drop In Subscriptions Due
To Boycott Caused By Its Pedophilic Film 'Cuties'November 3. 2020

The Netflix streaming service has
experienced a significant drop in subscriptions, due to a
boycott over the sick film "Cuties" which contains and
promotes pedophilia. Netflix has been infected with
Hollywood pedophilia via employees it hired from the
Hollywood and Netflix have been doing their level
best to mainstream pedophilia into the public consciousness, in
trying to normalize said abominable conduct. The rape and
molestation of children (and adults) is common place in Hollywood
behind the scenes. Children are being molested in the entertainment
industry everyday.
There are other Netflix shows and movies that
contain pedophilic themes, regarding placing children in sexual
situation and conversations, in trying to normalize said
inappropriate behavior to the public. It's not cute or funny. It's
sick and dangerous to society.

Netflix's "Cuties"
The New York Post reported regarding the boycott of
Netflix that was initiated on social networking, "Numbers analyzed
by New York data analytics firms Antenna and YipitData tell a
different story — that the protest, led by conservatives who claim
the film’s portrayal of pre-teen girls living in Paris
“hyper-sexualized” children, had made a big dent in subscriptions."
Netflix has also been criminally indicted in the
state of Texas over the "Cuties" film, charged with disseminating
child porn, which is a violation of public decency laws. A grand
jury indicted Netflix in Tyler County, Texas on charges of
disturbing "lewd visual material depicting a child."
This week, Netflix has undergone a shake-up that has
resulted in some employees being fired. However, there is still the
issue of Hollywood writers, producers, directors and actors Netflix
has on its payroll who are involved in pedophilia. Netflix is headed
for massive trouble and disaster.
Tweets from about the subject:

Netflix subscription cancellations skyrocket after ‘Cuties’
“Cuties” turned out to be ugly for Netflix
October 24, 2020 | 12:49pm - The streaming service
has watched subscription cancellations skyrocket by 800% after the
French coming-of-age film triggered a boycott in early September,
analyses show. Within two days of the movie’s premiere, #CancelNetflix
became the top trending topic on Twitter and a petition on garnered hundreds of thousands of signatures.
Netflix’s chief financial officer Spence Neumann
didn’t mention “Cuties” in a third-quarter earnings call this week,
instead focusing on the first half of the year, when coronavirus
lockdowns nationwide drove subscriptions.
Neumann told investors the company “came pretty
close” to meeting its membership goal of 195 million worldwide. For
the three months that ended Sept. 30, Netflix added 2.2 million
global subscribers — down from the first two quarters of 16 million
and 10 million, respectively.
But numbers analyzed by New York data analytics
firms Antenna and YipitData tell a different story — that the
protest, led by conservatives who claim the film’s portrayal of
pre-teen girls living in Paris “hyper-sexualized” children, had made
a big dent in subscriptions.
Antenna reported that Netflix lost five times as
many subscribers in September’s first couple of weeks — a few days
into the protest — than the company lost in all of August. YipitData
gave even grimmer numbers, putting September cancellations at 8
times of those in August and declaring the drop “a multi-year high.”
Netflix Employees Barack Obama And
Susan Rice Refuse To Comment On The Sick Pedophile Film 'Cuties' That Is
Enraging Social Media
Joe Biden Did Publicized Interview
Promoting His Campaign With Netflix Pedophile Jeremy Harris Who Has Now
Been Arrested (Video)
Netflix Stock Drops In The Fall Out
Of The Social Networking Boycott Regarding The Pedophile Film ‘Cuties’
Netflix Slammed And Is The Subject
Of A Massive Petition Over Documentary Film Promoting Pedophilia
Netflix Playing With Fire Via Shows
Such As ‘Dogs Of Berlin’ Which Has Led To Violence