Singer Justin Timberlake Pleads Guilty To Drunk
Driving In New York After Lying About It
September 11. 2024

Justin Timberlake's mug shot. The singer initially stated he was not
drunk driving. Now he's changed his tune, pardon the pun.
After vigorously denying he was
drunk driving in the Hamptons (New York) singer
Justin Timberlake has taken a plea deal to avoid
jail. Timberlake initially tried to get out of the
charges by name dropping but it didn't work, as the
cop is half his age.
Timberlake was arrested on June 18, 2024, for driving in
an erratic manner. Police smelled alcohol on him. He was asked to do a
field sobriety test, but refused. To avoid prison, Timberlake has agreed
to plea to "driving while ability impaired" and pay a $500 fine.
Justin Timberlake reaches plea deal to resolve drunken driving
case, AP source says
Updated 12:13 PM PDT, September 11, 2024 - NEW YORK (AP)
— Justin Timberlake is scheduled to enter a new plea Friday in his
drunken driving case in New York’s Hamptons, prosecutors said. Details
of the plea weren’t disclosed, but a person with knowledge of the deal
said Timberlake has agreed to plead guilty to a less serious offense
than the original charge of driving while intoxicated...
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